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Smart Snugs All-In-2 Giveaway! (Open to US/CAN, Ends 9/8) 26 Aug 2013 | 10:31 pm
Recently, I had been given a chance to review the new Smart Snugs All-In-2 cloth diapering systems...and I can easily say that I love this diaper for a variety of reasons! If you haven't read my revie...
Back To School Diaper Bash featuring Lalabye Baby & Green Path Baby! (US & CAN, Ends 9/9) 26 Aug 2013 | 08:17 pm
Lalabye Baby has come out with a great new print perfect for your little scholar! In honor of the unveiling, Lalabye baby and Green Path Baby will be giving away a wonderful prize pack for the Cloth ...
Cloth Diapering Is Easy With The Smart Snugs All-In-2 {Review}! 23 Aug 2013 | 07:08 pm
With all of the modern cloth diaper choices available, it is difficult to find one that has everything one would expect from a diaper. When purchasing a cloth diaper, I want the most affordable option...
#FreshFluff Laundry Diaper Hop - Bloggers Needed! 20 Aug 2013 | 07:44 am
The Median Mommy, Our Piece of Earth and Zephyr Hill are coming together to bring you a #FreshFluff Cloth Diaper Laundry event! We will be giving away a Cloth Diaper Laundry Grand Prize worth over $1...
Beauty Without The Botox - Plumping Your Lips With EnvyDerm Lip Volumizer & Conditioner 18 Aug 2013 | 08:01 am
Like many women, I would love to have big, pouty lips...yet, I would never succumb to the temptation of getting botox injections. Health and safety trump my desire to acheive physical beauty, but I wa...
Ultimate Homeschool Giveaway Hop - Enter To Win A $25 Gift Card From Little Learning Lovies & StartWrite Software 15 Aug 2013 | 09:00 am
This giveaway is part of the Ultimate Homeschool Giveaway Hop hosted by Intoxicated on Life. Be sure to visit each of the blogs on the linky below for a chance to win many more amazing homeschool c...
Enter To Win A Set Of Thirsties Inserts, A Happy Green Life Detergent, & Stripping Powder - #accessorizestash 14 Aug 2013 | 10:40 am
Welcome to the 2nd Annual Accessorize Your Stash in August Giveaway Hop, hosted by So Easy Being Green and According to Jenny! Are you ready to accessorize your cloth diapers stash? A great group of...
Pretty Mommies Giveaway & Education Event! (US/CAN 8/25) 14 Aug 2013 | 09:01 am
Let's face it, becoming a mom can be a little demanding at times, and rarely do we take the time to give our skin the attention that it deserves. With pregnancy, the hormone changes can force us to re...
That Sewin' Chick - Friday Feature! 9 Aug 2013 | 04:00 pm
Each Friday, the Leettle Baby blog will feature some wonderful (maybe even lesser-known!) small businesses with products that are handmade with love, are eco-friendly, or family friendly. If you have ...
Enter To Win A $25.00 Ebay Gift Card, 2 Grand Prizes, & MORE - #SummerBabyLoving Giveaway Hop! (WW 8/16) 8 Aug 2013 | 09:00 am
Welcome to the Summer Baby Loving Blog Hop Giveaway, hosted by Cloth Diapering Again, The Inquisitive Mom, and Our Piece of Earth, in celebration of babies and mamas! There are two grand prizes up for...