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Auld Lang Syne 7 Nov 2010 | 11:47 pm
“someone has stolen my heart..without that heart, i’ll die..” the story of Matt Leopardus ends here.. farewell my friends..i appreciate u all very well..thanks for long..take care..son...
High Hopes 4 Nov 2010 | 07:14 pm
High hopes on you since yesteryears.. Nice vids is it? P/S: can’t live without you..
Fly Me Away.. 24 Oct 2010 | 02:34 pm
Lagu yg santai dan best..layankan je la ek.. P/S: kepala otakku terbang di awang-awangan..
Paint My Love 22 Oct 2010 | 05:45 pm
This song i dedicate to someone special in my life.. Yeah..true story.. especially in these parts: ♪♫ From my youngest years Till this moment here I’ve never seen Such a lovely queen From the ski...
An aesthetic anaesthetic 21 Oct 2010 | 03:06 pm
*Love is like anaesthetic. We will feel the pain without it and we need to top up periodically to maintain its effectiveness. *Love also has its own aesthetic value. Different people may have diffe...
Greenheart 14 Oct 2010 | 08:51 pm
hehe,..Hatiku kehijau-hijauan sekarang.. sejak kehadiran teman hidup baru..akhirnya, hajat yang lama tertangguh dahpun tertunai..Alhamdulillah..aku harap dengan kehadirannya dalam hidupku, dapat menc...
hajat tertangguh.. 13 Oct 2010 | 01:24 am
dah lama ku nantikan, dah lama bertangguh..tak tahan dah rasanya..perkara ini mesti diteruskan jugak,..tak perlu minta restu sesape pun..mesti bagi jalan gak..once n for all.. P/S: entri pendek yg ka...
Cinta pandang kedua.. 10 Oct 2010 | 09:33 pm
selalu je kita dengar pasal cinta pandang pertama. org putih ckp love at the first sight. camne plak dengan cinta pandang kedua? same aa cam dengar lagu..1st time dengar maybe kita rase tak sedap lag...
Don’t cry for me KL 10 Oct 2010 | 03:31 am
Ok guys..hari tu aku ada pi KL jap. Asalnya ade kerja nak buat..tapi ye lah kan..takkan nak terus balik..bukan slalu dapat chance pi KL ni.. First aku gi KLCC jumpa klien jap.. Dayview KLCC pada har...
The Spinning plankton 7 Oct 2010 | 05:37 am
Musim Sukom ni, jangan ingat atlit je yg dapat pingat, aku pon ade dapat gak le.. Award yang agak comel aku dapat dari Cik Jijie Peggton.. tqvm! dah bersawang pun pingat ni..dah dekat dua bulan b...