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{ KEY LIME PIE! } 6 Mar 2012 | 06:08 pm
So Brian and I are huge fans of key lime pie. We have a couple restaurants that we frequent just for their key lime pie. Since we have such a love for key lime pie, I thought I would give making it a ...
{ MY SWEET VALENTINES } 21 Feb 2012 | 06:21 am
I am pretty sure this year was my favorite Valentines yet. Nothing really out of the ordinary happened. I was just feeling so much LOVE for my little bear and Mr. B. I was also feeling extra grateful ...
{ 13 Months } 19 Jan 2012 | 08:04 pm
Since I have been so horrible at taking pictures for the last few months, I figured I should make up for it. So I took WAY too many photos over the last couple weeks and some look very similar. So I'm...
{ CHRISTMAS JOY } 19 Jan 2012 | 07:00 pm
Christmas came and went and we had lots of fun. So much fun that I spaced on taking photos. Oops. Our Christmas consisted of a ginger bread house contest, ice skating, movies, puzzles, lots of yummy f...
{ A YEAR OF CLAIRE IN PICTURES } 18 Jan 2012 | 08:16 pm
I am in the process of putting together a tiny prints book with our favorite pictures and memories of Claire from the past year. I think it just might end up being 500 pages, considering the amount of...
Our Bear turns one! 16 Jan 2012 | 11:12 am
Claire had her first birthday on December 3rd. It just so happened that Brian had the LSAT that same day (brian is thinking of going back to law school) so we didn't really get to celebrate the way I ...
Family Photos 16 Jan 2012 | 10:34 am
I know, I know. I have failed miserably at blogging the last few months. I blame instagram. I feel that between instagram, facebook, and blogging it all become so repetitive. But I have some good stuf...
{ THE HAPPIEST OF HALLOWEENS } 1 Nov 2011 | 05:32 pm
{ Not happy } { the mess that occurred while attempting to put on Claire's costume } Being that it was Claire's first Halloween, I got the bright idea to make her costume. I thought it was a bright ...
{ PUMPKIN PATCH TAKE TWO} 27 Oct 2011 | 06:36 pm
{Giving me her teething face} { showing off her two teeth that took forever to come in} {loves from her uncle chase} So for Claire's first fall we actually went to the pumpkin patch twice. The firs...
{ LONG OVER DUE } 27 Oct 2011 | 03:48 pm
{From this} {To this} So when we moved from California (16 months ago!) our table, among other things, got all kinds of scrapes and scratches. However, I was in no mood to refinish it. Not only was ...