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What is in a 'LinkedIn' brand 20 Aug 2013 | 07:36 pm
The news that LinkedIn is opening its doors to 14 year olds is odd. Techcrunch has made fun of it, but I wonder if that applies to us all? Over the last few years, I have found this service... Conc...
The value of a 'Like' 10 Jul 2013 | 09:06 pm
The apple tree outside my office in full bloom and depending on collaboration to prosper In setting out the PR strategy for an organisation, the practitioner will want to be sure that the... Conce...
People cluster round values - is this 'Publics'? 5 Jul 2013 | 07:47 pm
I used the MIT analysis engine on one of my email accounts to test the Lisbon Theory in the medium of email. Such fun! As you can see there are six distinct clusters of people who contact me... Con...
The BBC discovers Transparency, Porosity and Agency 1 Jul 2013 | 03:43 pm
Gordon Corera has a article on cyber attacks on BBC and a programme tonight. He will show a small part of the effects of Transparency, Pourosity and Agency, the long held mantra of... Concerning tha...
Reflecting on the evolution of Public Relations 6 Jun 2013 | 06:25 pm
A deer in the garden helps one reflect on the important things in life. The Public Relation profession encompasses many spheres of activity. For the most part they have in common... Concerning that...
Reflecting on the evolution of Public Relations 6 Jun 2013 | 06:25 pm
A deer in the garden helps one reflect on the important things in life. The Public Relation profession encompasses many spheres of activity. For the most part they have in common... Concerning tha....
Defining Public Relations 29 May 2013 | 02:02 pm
It is amazing what clarity your mind has when walking through woodland above the Vale of Pewsey, where this photograph was taken. Business and Marketing have rolls that are well described... Concern...
Defining Public Relations 29 May 2013 | 02:02 pm
It is amazing what clarity your mind has when walking through woodland above the Vale of Pewsey, where this photograph was taken. Business and Marketing have rolls that are well described... Concern...
Time to Make the Universities Honest 28 May 2013 | 04:08 pm
I have been noticing courses being advertised by universities claiming to offer 'Public Relations' when it is obvious that they can offer nothing of the sort. For example: Marketing,... Concerning ...
Time to Make the Universities Honest 28 May 2013 | 04:08 pm
I have been noticing courses being advertised by universities claiming to offer 'Public Relations' when it is obvious that they can offer nothing of the sort. For example: Marketing,... Concerning ...