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a blessing in disguise. 25 Aug 2013 | 05:45 pm
Ups and downs, that's life. The biggest lie is when you says, "I am all good, everything is fine. Everything falls to the right places." Yes, that's just... nonsense. The real thing is, you cry, you...
semangat yang hilang 18 Aug 2013 | 07:03 am
selepas 2 minggu cuti raya, penulis sudah selamat tiba di perantauan. as usual. feeling-feeling pas cuti ni, dia punya rasa... serupa nak ulang balik momen sebelum cuti, boleh? cuti raya kali ni, se...
the hectic life awaits. 13 Jul 2013 | 09:15 pm
entahla. for some reasons, i don't feel quite right being me at the moment. teaching and me, we never really get along that well. that was how i look back then, during my first week of practicum. i h...
the first week 4 Jul 2013 | 07:13 pm
to be honest.. sape cakap jadi cikgu senang, meh sini nak luku kepala sikit. hamboih ingat nak ajaq anak oghang serupa nak train parrot cakap ka? at times, the thought of giving up tu selalu ada. sam...
finally, it's final :) 20 Jun 2013 | 06:07 am
it has been 4 days since the semester begins, and praise be to Allah, everything goes well so far. memasuki semester 8, which indicates the 4th year, time really flies. most of rakan rakan sebaya, ra...
words, please. 15 Jun 2013 | 09:35 am
senyuman terukir, hanya di bibir. biarlah, biar. biar hati itu terus menyimpan rahsia. kerana dia cuba untuk bahagia, meski hanya pura pura. "Sabarlah duhai hati, cuba untuk memahami."
life, so far 24 May 2013 | 01:55 pm
alhamdulillah, yesterday marked the end of Term 7 (which means the final sem is coming, weehu!). attended a talk on i-Think programme (well, teachers' stuffs), and only realized that all the hardships...
keep dreaming, 15 May 2013 | 11:55 am
and that's where everything starts. :)
that same exact feeling when 6 May 2013 | 08:59 am
penyakit yang sama berulang ulang. dah terbiasa, sampaikan the best way to get over it; tidur. bad qistina, bad huhu. rabu ni final exam, the one and only paper left. but untuk cakap i have started d...
the end. 3 May 2013 | 01:03 pm
baru submit the final last assignment for this final year of degree last few days. pheww, what a relief. alhamdulillah, thanks be to Allah for making this journey worth fighting. kalaulah Allah tak i...