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kualitas kaos? 21 Aug 2012 | 12:33 am
sangat menarik, karena title post ini adalah kualitas kaos?. apakah penting kualitas kaos atau hanya formalitas, gengsi? Dulu saat saya masih jadi anak ABG (sekarang masih tetap abg!) membeli pakaian...
Kaos Distro Murah Online - Grosir Baju Distro Bandung 22 Mar 2012 | 05:46 am
Kaos Distro Murah Kaos Distro Murah Online Grosir Baju Distro Bandung, bandung kian menarik dengan ragamnya, bukan saja terkenal karena pemain Musiknya namun terkenal juga dengan pengusaha clothing s...
What Wrong with 25 Feb 2012 | 03:54 pm
is has been hacked? What wrong with Twitter, screenshoot February 25, 2012 Improvisasi Diri
"are you f**kin' kidding me?" just another moment.. 24 Feb 2012 | 02:59 pm
"are you f**kin' kidding me?" she's said... I went out to the club the other night to, you know, dance with my bitches that guy.... Improvisasi Diri
Cerita cinta...kok bisa kamu cinta dia 24 Feb 2012 | 12:59 pm
Cerita cinta...kok bisa kamu cinta dia? ''''''''' awe: udah berapa lama kamu jalin hubungan sama dia? tewi: udah 6 tahunan awe: kok bisa, dulu kan lo ga suka tewi: ia Awalnya sih gw Simpati awe: Teru...
Adele o0o middle-finger image 24 Feb 2012 | 12:50 pm
Adele o0o Middle Finger image Improvisasi Diri
JOHN MAYER SHADOW DAYS LYRICS (NEW) Complete 22 Feb 2012 | 04:07 pm
JOHN MAYER SHADOW DAYS LYRICS (NEW) Complete did you know that you could be wrong and swear you're right some people been known to do it all their lives but you find yourself alone just like you fou...
katy perry part of me lyrics 20 Feb 2012 | 04:30 pm
katy perry part of me lyrics Days like this I want to drive away Pack my bags and watch your shadow fade 'Cause you chewed me up and spit me out Like I was poison in your mouth You took my light, you ...
Bondan Prakoso tak terkalahkan LYRICS 16 Feb 2012 | 06:48 am
Bondan Prakoso feat. Fade2Black tak terkalahkan Kau yang di sana yang berjiwa lemah, Mendekat padaku! Raih tanganku! Karena ku di sini pantang menyerah, Bersatu kita kuat, bersama kita hebat dan tak’k...
ARIEL PETERPAN LIRIK DARA TERBARU maya jangan kau bersedih ku tahu kau lelah tepiskan keluh dunia biarkan mereka biarkan mereka..... lirik dara ariel peterpan by http://lvldoom.blogspot,com kurangi be...