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USB 3.0 Mac mini Models Ship 5 Nov 2012 | 10:20 am
Although Apple appears to be stumbling and fumbling it's 21" and 27" iMac rollout (Shipping delays until November and December, respectively) -- at least the Apple Mac Mini with USB 3 ports is now shi...
Ten Best ThunderBolt Hard Drives For Mac 16 Sep 2012 | 08:20 am
Review the top ten currently shipping ThunderBolt backup drives for Mac. Spinning platter and SSD ThunderBolt hard drive options starting below $200 for super-fast TimeMachine and OSX data file backup...
Mac Speech Recognition And Dictation Built In To OSX 10.8 29 Aug 2012 | 01:09 pm
Speech recognition on Apple Macintosh computers took a huge leap forward recently with the release of OS 10.8 Mountain Lion. A new feature called Dictation allows rather an easy and surprisingly accur...
MacGizmoGuy Local Directory Listings - Apple Gadgets 29 Jul 2012 | 03:41 pm
That Apple Gizmo, iOS Gadget, MacBook Accessories, Macintosh Peripherals and OSX Software guy - known locally as MacGizmoGuy - is in the process of relocating his HQ to sunny Cali...
Cheap USB 3.0 and ThunderBolt Drive With Combo Interface 16 Jul 2012 | 11:56 am
Multi-interface external hard drives are a Mac owners are often the best long-term investment. Some may only use a single primary interface for their own use. However, when you need to share files wi...
SuperSpeed MacBook USB 3.0 Ports - Backward Compatible 9 Jul 2012 | 10:30 pm
Across the board revisions to Apple's MacBook line-up have been well received. The new USB 3.0 Air and Pro models are shipping in volume and listed as IN-STOCK and readily available. The bleeding-edge...
USB3 MacBooks Now - Other Models Later 3 Jul 2012 | 11:33 am
Go Apple! After inexcusable heel-dragging on USB 3.0 for Macs -- The new MacBook line with USB 3.0 and ThunderBolt finally shipping en masse. iMac and Mac mini desktops will get USB3 by summers end, I...
Social Media Marketing Tool for Mac Web Masters 3 Jul 2012 | 11:29 am
An old favorite SEO tool on my Mac friendly link-building automation list - - has recently morphed into Seesmic Ping for iOS or as a desktop OSX program. Seesmic Ping currently offers automa...
Cheap ThunderBolt Drive For Mac Backup? 18 Jun 2012 | 11:16 am
It's been a long, slow road to the ultra-fast fast lane of ThunderBolt drives and accessories. More than a year after it's introduction, we're only starting to see a decent range of ThunderBolt extern...
A New Generation Of MacBooks? 9 Jun 2012 | 01:59 pm
Apple's 2012 WWDC - World Wide Developers Conference is happening in June. Am keenly awaiting the WWDC Keynote Speech on Monday at 10am PST. Although the Developer's Conference is foremost about softw...