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Mastacemblidae 11 Sep 2009 | 04:12 pm
The Mastacembelidae are a family of fishes, known as the spiny eels. The Mastacembelids are part of the Order Synbranchiformes, the swamp eels, which are part of the Actinopterygii (ray-finned fishes)...
What is pH? 3 Jul 2008 | 06:45 pm
pH is the measurement of acidity and alkalinity of water bodies with accordance to the concentration of hydrogen ions that are present in the water. pH values lower than 7 is indicated as acidic while...
Salinity 3 Jul 2008 | 06:42 pm
What is Salinity? Salinity is a measure of how much salt is in the water. Salinity is usually measured in parts per thousand (ppt) units. Parts per thousand is how many grams of salt are dissolved pe...
Chlorophyll-a 3 Jul 2008 | 06:40 pm
Chlorophyll-a – A plant pigment whose concentration in water is used to estimate the amount of phytoplankton or algae. Plants and algae use this pigment to trap the energy from the sun so they can gr...
What is Total Suspended Solid? 3 Jul 2008 | 06:34 pm
What are they? TSS are solid materials, including organic and inorganic, that are suspended in the water. These would include silt, plankton and industrial wastes. High concentrations of suspended so...
Turbidity 3 Jul 2008 | 06:29 pm
What is turbidity? Turbidity is a measure of the degree to which the water looses its transparency due to the presence of suspended particulates. The more total suspended solids in the water, the mur...
What is Secchi Disc 3 Jul 2008 | 06:22 pm
The Secchi disk originated with Fr. Pietro Angelo Secchi, an astrophysicist, who was requested to measure transparency in the Mediterranean Sea by Commander Cialdi, head of the Papal Navy. Secchi was ...
What is Water Transparency? 3 Jul 2008 | 06:13 pm
Water transparency is important to the growth of water plants. The clearer the water the more sunlight can penetrate, and the greater the amount of photosynthesis that can take place, allowing for mor...
What is COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand) 3 Jul 2008 | 06:00 pm
Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) determine the amount of organic pollutant that are found in the surface such as lakes, rivers and estuaries, which makes COD a useful water Quality parameter. COD also is ...
What is BOD (Biochemical Oxygen Demand) 3 Jul 2008 | 05:25 pm
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Biochemical Oxygen Demand or Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) is a chemical procedure for determining how fast biological organisms use up oxygen in a body of wate...