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Untitled 4 May 2011 | 08:12 am
5 Days of Freedom Freedom from Exploitation-Talia, Emily, Sarah Freedom from Disease- Tiffany, Clara, Kevin Freedom from Thirst- Sabrina, Aretha, Tommy Freedom from Poverty-Jacob and Katie
Poetry Night 31 Mar 2011 | 08:55 am
Poetry Night is tomorrow evening :o) Please be here for 5:30 pm. Bring along with you all items, food and drinks to the gym and place at the back on the table (sealed). Wait in the gym within the de...
Alternative Income Program 24 Feb 2011 | 05:38 am
Share your research, thoughts, ideas and feelings about the Alternative Income Program in this post area.
Vow of Silence 9 Feb 2011 | 09:32 am
Vow of Silence - Wednesday February 16th, 2011 Use this post to dialogue and plan event All members
Poetry Night 9 Feb 2011 | 09:31 am
Poetry Night- Tentatively scheduled for March Use this post to dialogue and plan event All members
5 Days of Freedom 9 Feb 2011 | 09:31 am
5 Days of Freedom- Tentatively scheduled for May Use this post to dialogue and plan event Sabrina, Tiffany, Jacob
Earth Day 9 Feb 2011 | 09:30 am
Earth Day Penny Drive- Tentatively scheduled for April Use this post to dialogue and plan event Katie, Tommy, Clara
Pancake Treat 9 Feb 2011 | 09:30 am
Pancake Treat-Tentatively scheduled for February 24 Use this post to dialogue and plan event Emily, Sarah, Aretha
Penny Drive 9 Feb 2011 | 09:29 am
Penny Drive- Tentatively scheduled for May Use this post to dialogue and plan event Ade, Bailey, Talia
BOOK TALK 29 Jan 2011 | 01:03 pm
BTC Leadership will have weekly literature circle sessions (Wednesdays) to discuss focus chapters of the book Global Voices by Marc & Craig Keilburger. Please remember to contribute thoughts, feelings...