Blogspot - - The Journey To My Child Begins With The First Step

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Here's the real site... 1 May 2007 | 06:12 pm
Okay, I'm a dork. My new blog site is here. I told ya I was a little slow in the technology department. :)
New Blogging Site 29 Apr 2007 | 04:33 pm
So I've moved sites. I got the idea from MBG. And a mighty big 'Thank You' goes out to her. You can find me here from now on. And I just figured out how to do the hyperlink thingy. Yeah, I'll be doing...
Working Through It 27 Apr 2007 | 02:46 am
Thank you so much for all your kind comments. I am contacting as many local agencies that are involved in fost/adopt, but apparently for one of them it takes 2 weeks to get mail from their office (45 ...
Life sucks sometimes 15 Apr 2007 | 04:51 pm
I wish I could start my blog more positively, but not today. I know, I've fallen off the face of the earth; sorry about that. I wish it was because I have been so busy being a mom. But, no. I have a h...
So much for the updates. 6 Feb 2007 | 06:13 pm
Sorry it's been forever and a day. (Things around here have been emotional and a bit chaotic.) The new agency SW is super nice and he updated my homestudy with an addendum. BUUUUTTTT, the little girl'...
Ok, my agency doesn't do it all 6 Jan 2007 | 06:22 pm
Apparently 'the board', whoever this is, doesn't want my agency doing anymore domestic adoptions so I do have to go with the other agency. It's really frustrating to loose another week waiting when I ...
Blogger! 6 Jan 2007 | 04:37 am
I just changed my layout and apparently erased/deleted all my bookmarks. I needed to update them, so I guess this weekend will be the time I do it. Sometimes I can't stand blogger.
Wednesday worked out well 5 Jan 2007 | 04:42 pm
My agency is wonderful! I know there are many wonderful agencies out there, and I would like to add mine to the list: I found from talking to the director, that they are licensed to ...
I think I'm back...sort of 31 Dec 2006 | 08:40 pm
Well. It's almost the new year and there has been way too much going on for me to wait any longer. I am starting this entry on Saturday evening for fear that I will be adding to it for the next few da...
Taking a break 5 Nov 2006 | 07:21 pm
I finished my letter to CIS asking for a postponement of the fingerprints for g-ma and my mom. The doctors are saying that once my mom gets home (hopefully by Tuesday), she'll need to stay in for at l...