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tua dan muda yang masih sama 30 Jul 2011 | 02:43 pm
kdg2,usia ptut mencerminkan sifat.. kalo rse diri lbih muda drpd yg ad di sekeliling,ad baiknya kalo yg muda menghormati yg tua..bkn ap..yg tua kdg2 lbih mendalam sikit dan berbeza pemikirannya..mung...
biji bola ke biji mata 27 Jul 2011 | 04:46 pm
sbg sorg bakal guru yg berjaya,ak kna tabah mengharungi sume dugaan yg mendatang..ecewahh..ayat xleh blah.. amek Phy. ed nih mmg mencabar..kna aktif..xleh mekap,nnti berpeluh..kna pkai baju sukan..xb...
teyl2 getaway::penang hill 22 Jul 2011 | 04:46 pm
ni first xtvt kitorg buat for this sem,sem 7..huu^^..hopefully byk lg plan yg mendtg.. so,to start this new sem,kami pn pegi yg dkat2 dulu laa..bukit bendera..collect duit for minyak n food,then we j...
birthday saje 20 Jul 2011 | 10:34 pm
bile smpi time birthday je,org mesti rse hepi..rse sth..knape ek?kalo ak sirik pn..bile da smpi bday ak,ak ase cm special skit date tuh..ase cm neves gtu nk tunggu org wish..haha pdhal xde pape pn..k...
meeting the skin specialist 20 Jul 2011 | 02:05 am
ak ni nk kte cntik tu keinginan nk jd cntik tuh sentiasa ad laa kn..tipula kalo kte xteringin nk jdik cntik..haha... jdiknyee.. lpas dipromote oleh kwn2 sejati ak,mbns dan tbns,ak pn angk...
blaja ke keje 18 Jul 2011 | 05:52 pm
sbulan lbih ak x ngapdet..byk mende ak nk ble bkak..ilang ntah ke mane..kire legend gak ah..ak bulan ^ kosong entry..huhu..byk mende yg da terjdik spanjang cuti tuh..newbord laa,miscariage...
my uum bucket list^^ 11 May 2011 | 05:49 pm
tingal lg less than a week b4 holidays.. then balik mktb..huu^^..theres still things left undone here in uum..maybe i shuld make a bucket list n things i shuld dop as the landmark of uum..hehe..cukup2...
her best 30 minutes 6 May 2011 | 09:02 pm
the duvet seemed to be a silky bird feather which is very light on her. she pulled it back towards her noticeable chest..its nice though having a very sincere morning which ultimately felt good on her...
yes,you are and i am^^ 3 May 2011 | 08:07 pm
i will never be that i will never be sure of all the things happening give me a break, a little escape i want to be new and different i will never be u i will always be me that i kno but even though i...
growing old but not growing up~ 2 May 2011 | 11:32 pm
hari nih da g anta satu esaimen..slsi satu azab..huu^^ i kno that sum of ma frens had been actively talking behind ma back..hw do i kno?well,maybe u shuldnt trust those near u as well..who knows u'r ...