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Untitled 8 May 2003 | 03:24 am
Becks is a punk David Beckham, a hero of English football who's married to a skinny lady called "Posh", earns a whopping $51 a minute, what a loser, what a giant steaming over priced pile of crap is ...
Untitled 8 May 2003 | 12:17 am
Man beheads himself in Supermarket Great, this guy is walking around the supermarket.. you're deciding which choc chip cookies you wanna get, then zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, this man launches on this meat-...
Untitled 6 Apr 2003 | 07:00 am
Hot Hot Heat A warmonger and a peacenik discuss the invasion of Iraq, in a nutshell... sort of. Its freezing in Sydney Aus, summer is long gone and the cold is settin in... I miss heat. Currently, t...
Untitled 4 Apr 2003 | 06:05 am
You April Fools I'm a couple days late with this post, but despite the depressing things going on around the world, people still able to come up with lame pranks on Fools day. Here's a round up of th...
Untitled 4 Apr 2003 | 05:25 am
Crossbow Attack on School Kids A kid goes to school packing a crossbow and petrol bombs, loads an arrow, aims and shoots at a 16 yr old girl he had a former relationship with. The arrow passes clean ...
Untitled 2 Apr 2003 | 07:50 am
More Bad Numbers One more SARS victim: an 83 yr old loses the battle, bringing the total deaths to 63. Residents of block E of an apartment block in HK have been evacuated to holidays houses turned ...
Untitled 1 Apr 2003 | 06:38 am
Slow Forming Hell Ten minutes late to work today plus a few words from my boss and it all equals to a pretty bad day. Nothing to begin the working week with a bad day eh? Not only does it bring tensi...
Untitled 31 Mar 2003 | 06:13 am
John Woo and a Thousand Bullets John Woo is god, well thats what I thought back in high school. It was during this period that I watched my first John Woo movie, it was of course the 'The Killer'. Th...
Untitled 29 Mar 2003 | 07:53 pm
Sha Sha, Sha Doo I got my tiks to the Audioslave gig, I got 'em 2 weeks ago but I'd just like to publicly announce how giddy I am about it. April is when the 'supergroup', as the press would like to ...
Untitled 29 Mar 2003 | 05:23 am
Another weekend Well, has this week gone fast or what. Wasn't it just Friday like 2 days ago, well it sure felt like it, feels like I just had the weekend. Anyhow, its been a pretty hectic working 5 ...