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Mr. Gable is coming back! ... sort of ... 24 Jul 2013 | 08:05 pm
Hey guys! Haven't posted (legitimately) in awhile. A long while. I miss this place. It was calm, cool, and fun to talk shit movies with the internet. I do miss it but you know, life catches up and it...
the madness creature features week 5 5 Nov 2012 | 02:17 am
tremors 2 awesome american psycho great movie the orphanage creepy rosemarys baby slow but enjoyable ghoulies 3 life changing cinema shark night 3d so it certainly was something the hive maneate...
THE MADNESS: Creature Features Week 4 29 Oct 2012 | 03:43 am
From Dusk Till Dawn (1996: 108 min) Vampires Rating: One of the Best! BONUS: Vampires Spaced Invaders (1990: 100 min) Aliens Rating: I've loved this movie since I was 5 Hellraiser: Revelations ...
THE MADNESS: Creature Features Week 3 21 Oct 2012 | 07:27 pm
The Grudge (2004: 92 min) Pissed off Ghosts Rating: Eh Sleepy Hollow (1999: 105 min) Headless Horseman Rating: I still like this movie after all these years Night of the Demons 2 (1994: 95 min) Demo...
THE MADNESS: Creature Features Week 2 15 Oct 2012 | 01:13 am
Ginger Snaps 2 (2004: 94 min) Werewolves Rating: Good BONUS: Werewolves BONUS: Insane Asylum The Howling 2 (1985: 91 min) Werewolves Rating: So bad it's good BONUS: Werewolves BONUS: Castle moonlit ...
THE MADNESS: Creature Features Week 1 7 Oct 2012 | 11:24 pm
Lake Placid: The Final Chapter (2012: 90 min) Gators Rating: Robert Englundtastic Lake Placid 3 (2010: 93 min) Gators Rating: Natural Boobtastic Race to Witch Mountain (2009: 98 min) Aliens Rating: ...
Don't miss out on Slaterocalypse! A collaborative celebration of Christian Slater over at Back Online. Back on duty. 26 Jul 2012 | 12:45 am
If you haven't been over to Back Online. Back on Duty. at all this week, you're missing out. Some of the Earth's greatest bloggers (myself included) have gathered together to celebrate one of the grea...
The Big Week HOFF: Anaconda III: Offspring (2008) 14 Jun 2012 | 12:36 pm
More like HOFFSPRING oh hohoho! What happens when you mix horribly rendered giant CGI snakes, one loudmouth and badass HOFF, and an elite group of expendables? The greatest line ever delivered. (Yo...
The Big Week Hoff: Nick Fury: Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. 13 Jun 2012 | 08:25 pm
What do you get when you mix a low budget made for TV Marvel movie, an ancient Nazi supervirus, and over 300 of the greatest one liner's ever spoken? EYE BOMB! This was a pretty damn entertaining mo...
The Big Week Hoff: Ring of the Musketeers (1992) 12 Jun 2012 | 08:48 pm
What happens when you update the Three Musketeers for the 90's, mix in half a dozen subplots that loosely fit together, and plug in a gigantic B movie cast in a made for TV movie? YOU GET THE HOFF PL...