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I'm craving for ice-cream!!! 31 Mar 2009 | 10:31 pm
I dunno what's wrong with me..the last post i was talking bout my craving on on ice-cream.. u all might know, every 31st of the month, Baskin Robbins will be giving out 31% discoun...
Longing for Pizzas 27 Mar 2009 | 01:42 am
Craving for Pizzas....The moment when Shun Ling and I saw the ad in The Sun's newspaper...we were like..omg Pizza...It has been ages since I had a pizzalicious meal...Shun Ling too...So we decided to ...
International Hot Air Balloon Fiesta in Putrajaya 22 Mar 2009 | 02:27 am
First ever Putrajaya International Hot Air Balloon Fiesta 2009, organized fr0m 19th until 22nd of March 2009. I managed to be part of the magnificent fiesta located at Precinct 2, Putrajaya on 21st o...
One night in Amsterdam... 15 Mar 2009 | 06:11 pm
As if like I was dreaming the whole time...I went to sleep on Thursday night and woke up the next day in Europe,Amsterdam to be exact...haha.Surprised?...Spent a night there and now I'm back in Malays...
Happy Birthday Amira Joyah....13 going 14... 9 Mar 2009 | 01:12 pm
On 8 March 1995...a baby girl is brought into existence, given by the name of AMIRA....also known as Amira Joyah by her cousins...She turned fourteen this year.....A year older a year wiser...yes So,...
Green misadventure of an unorthodox jog 7 Mar 2009 | 04:48 am
The title was actually an inspiration from Zharin,as i was out of ideas on what to write for the title myself..the story line..hurm... Zharin initially planned to come back on thursday,but unfortunat...
Breakfast moment to cherish... 24 Feb 2009 | 07:16 am
Yay...another breakfast moment with my friends...The Three Stooges comprise of Samer, Izzah and Nabil.The Three if...During the high school year,we were inseparable....but now..things have...
A Froggish Birthday Surprise!!! 17 Feb 2009 | 10:26 am
A surprise can boost any type of celebration and turns it into something wonderful and memorable, twisting anyone's expectations in various occasions. A well-planned surprise party can leave a terrifi...
What's a hostel without a Princess? 5 Feb 2009 | 10:07 pm
Princess is actually the name of the brand for my classic sandwich grill.Haha.The motto is actually: What's a home without a Princess?Changes need to be done to suit a student lifestyle... I made a p...
Es...Ka...Pay...Back to Nature... 28 Jan 2009 | 06:04 am
Yep2....escape from the hustle bustle of the city-town life and get yourself into the serene country life where u can enjoy the breathtaking views of the rainforest ,beautiful waterfalls,exotic flower...