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Catch All... 12 May 2010 | 04:13 pm
Well, I figured I was in need of a "catch all" post so I could get caught up without taking too much time (on my part and others). So here is what happened in April. First: A much needed vacation to ...
Birthday(s) 12 Apr 2010 | 03:00 pm
Last weekend we celebrated our births together. Spencer was a gentleman and let me come down 3 days before him, so therefore I am 3 days older than him. (and he reminds me of that yearly) This year w...
The Empty Sea (MTC) 17 Feb 2010 | 05:35 pm
What is "the empty sea" anyway? I know it's a mystery to me... All I know is that it's where Dave gets to spend the next 3 months of his life. :) We sent David off last Wednesday and it was a great da...
Vegas Baby! 25 Jan 2010 | 07:00 am
Last weekend we decided to take advantage of the Monday holiday and go to Las Vegas. I am always anxious to get out of the cold in January, so we've done this almost every year since we were married. ...
Ice Skating 30 Dec 2009 | 06:28 pm
Last night we went ice skating with Lindsey, Brett, Annie, and Josh. We met Annie and Josh at the Gateway and had a bite to eat at SkyBox then we road Trax over to the Gallivan Center where we met up ...
Christmas Times 30 Dec 2009 | 06:03 pm
We have had a fun filled Christmas/Winter break this year as always. We feel so blessed to live close to family and spend lots of our time with them over the holidays. I know my mom took tons of pictu...
Halloween Madness 1 Nov 2009 | 03:01 pm
Spencer and I decided to have a "little" Halloween get together a few weeks ago, but my plans just keep getting bigger and bigger. I kept wondering to myself...what do people do at Halloween parties b...
Heaven on Earth 1 Nov 2009 | 02:46 pm
We got an early Christmas present this year from my mom and dad and were able to go to Lake Powell for a long weekend as a WHOLE family. It was so fun to have everyone there now that Dan is back. I th...
Four Years 28 Oct 2009 | 12:28 pm
That's right, on the 21st we celebrated four years since the day we got married! It's crazy to think that we've known each other for less that one fifth of our lives, but having said that, I can't ima...
The Missing Link 28 Oct 2009 | 12:04 pm
He's back! Yup... Dan is finally home from his mission in Denmark! He served an awesome 2 years there and we're so glad to have him back. I can tell he was a great missionary and really put everythin...