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Smug, arrogant, insane 7 Aug 2006 | 11:21 pm
The devotees of the party in power are smug and arrogant. The devotees of the party out of power are insane. Jane's Law, as blogged by Megan McArdle (who blogs as Jane Galt) here. In an Indian contex...
From PHALLIC to italic 2 Aug 2006 | 08:13 am
ONCE I LIVED IN CAPITALS, MY LIFE INTENSELY PHALLIC, but now I'm sadly lowercase, with the occasional italic. Roger McGough, the British poet who was a favourite of mine in my PHALLIC college days, bu...
Madame, your chicken is ready! 30 Jul 2006 | 07:36 am
In a way, the most morally troubling thing about killing chickens is that after a while it is no longer morally troubling. Michael Pollan, in "The Omnivore's Dilemma." The quote reminds me of the anec...
Shit happens 24 Jul 2006 | 08:07 pm
The Catholics say, “Shit happens.” The Protestants say, “The other guy is responsible for the shit.” The Muslims say “The shit is the Will of Allah.” The Jews go, “Why, oh why, is all the shit falling...
Here I sit, broken-hearted 3 Jul 2006 | 08:38 am
Here I sit Broken-hearted Came to shit But only farted Inscription in a women's restroom, quoted in The Writings on the Stall. (Link to the main site via Zigzackly.)
Envy 25 Jun 2006 | 10:41 am
In most men there is something evil which resents greatness in others. With what delight are tales repeated of people's private lives as though the fact that Marlowe was a homosexual, Shelley a nympho...
The dribble, the pass, the beauty 24 Jun 2006 | 12:34 pm
[W]e love the ball more than the game and, for that reason, the dribble more than the pass. Jorge Valdano, about the way Argentina like to play their football, in a fascinating piece in the Guardian a...
The long and the short of it 22 Jun 2006 | 03:48 am
Schmuck! You shortchanged yourself. What studio head tells a director to make a picture longer? Only a nut like me. You shot a saga, and you turned in a trailer. Now give me a movie. Robert Evans, Hol...
Piss, and copyright 20 Jun 2006 | 07:49 pm
It is better to be pissed off than pissed on. Stephen James Joyce, grandson of James, quoted in an excellent feature by DT Max in the New Yorker, "The Injustice Collector." Stephen Joyce controls Jame...
The absurdity of money 7 Jun 2006 | 05:05 pm
We were in a lawyer's office and we had to decide at what age Otto would be given a, you know, substantial amount of money. And they said, '15?' and we said, 'God no!' And they kept suggesting older a...