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Soooo Easy Gluten Free Pizza 6 Aug 2012 | 05:51 am

Confession:  The title is a little misleading.  It's not exactly pizza but it is delicious and looks like pizza.  You won't care if it technically is not a pizza.  Dare I say, it possibly tastes bette...

My Memories Suite Digital Scrapbooking Giveaway! 4 Feb 2012 | 03:06 pm

This contest has ended.  Thanks to those who participated!  I maybe hosting another My Memories Suite giveaway in the future so check back.  I'm excited today to share with you a great product th....

Lose The Weight In 2012 3 Jan 2012 | 01:30 am

This post has been a long time coming.  I do not throw fitness advice around flippantly, and so after a year come January 6, 2012, I am ready to share with you a weight loss/fitness system that is hea...

Gluten Free NuGo Bars! 11 Nov 2011 | 11:58 am

NuGo Bars (That's Nutrition to Go) have made the short list of pre-packaged foods that both my son with food allergies and I can eat. When we go to the store and I want to get him a treat (read "brib...

Crown Maple Syrup Review 6 Jul 2011 | 12:56 pm

I always thought maple syrup was pretty much the same.  Boy, was I wrong!   Crown Maple Syrup sent me a bottle of their syrup to sample and then share my experience with you.  I got an education in ma...

Zevia Review and Carob Fudge! 31 May 2011 | 12:49 pm

I am taking a break from my blogging sabbatical (yes, a break from my break) to review a product and tell you about our new favorite dessert/snack from Whole New Mom! I have a confession.  I am a for...

Blogger Burn-Out 19 May 2011 | 12:39 pm

If you follow my blog, you may have noticed that I am not posting as much.  I am experiencing blogger burn-out and I am going to take some time off to regroup. I have received some criticism and unki...

Menu Monday 5-9-11 10 May 2011 | 03:37 pm

Since we've moved time has gone by in a whirlwind of packing and unpacking and settling in.  I'm not sure where April went and I can't believe we are into the second week of May!  Soon the kids will b...

To All Those That Say Older Generations Have Ruined Our Planet.... 9 May 2011 | 09:18 am

I hope it is ok to post this.  It was sent to me in an email and is not my words.  I don't usually pay much attention to forwarded emails, but when I read this I said, "Amen!" If you believe in going...

Menu Monday 5-2-11.... 4 May 2011 | 05:40 am

...... a little late. Last week I posted a picture of a front porch.  It wasn't my front porch, but it looked like a great place to sit, sip my coffee and watch the world go by. I've never had a "re...

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