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so summer is upon us... 17 May 2013 | 06:41 pm
Warm weather is finally upon us and the winery is amping up for a busy summer. May 18 isour Spring Open House and I always enjoy giving tours of our little facility. Indiana wine news is all good. Th...
December Midway 16 Dec 2012 | 12:21 am
So its mid-December, its 40+ degrees, and we are back to concentrating on wine-making rather than parking! It was quite a hit to lose 100% of our parking the first week of November and on through Dec...
New Nouveau 18 Nov 2012 | 07:36 pm
I am excited! I am too busy! I am mad! I am confused! These few words sum up this time of year and you have seen me write the winery business is not about money, it’s about the lifestyle of being ...
Parking Eliminated in front of Winery! 12 Nov 2012 | 03:44 am
On Wednesday, November 7, INDOT came into Converse and installed No Parking signs up and down SR 18. This includes right in front of the Winery, eliminating all of our parking within a two block radiu...
Black Friday at the Winery 12 Nov 2012 | 02:08 am
For the past few years we have enjoyed sleeping in on the Friday when many folks are getting up at very early hours and going shopping after stuffing themselves with turkey and the fixins. But we must...
Weather & Wine 5 Sep 2012 | 07:32 pm
It’s been a weird summer weather wise, I know we all agree, and I am asked often how it will affect the grape crop. I listen to smarter people than myself regarding this frankly, because while I have ...
Tasting Plus 2012 Event Schedule 29 May 2012 | 04:44 am
So wine, like life, goes on. Not a deep thought but certainly one filled with truth. I see wines I really love selling out and walk downstairs to the winery and look at the barrels and ask myself, “Ca...
Cold Weather and Free Events 16 Apr 2012 | 12:18 pm
So we had hot spring weather, then we had several days of frosty weather and the result was not good. Although, we will not know exactly how badly the frost damaged the Indiana grapes are for several ...
Winter & Wine 24 Feb 2012 | 02:33 am
I am loving this so-called “winter weather” and it is having an effect on the grape crop for this year. Warmer winter weather can cause the buds to begin to develop early and if there is a late frost,...
So You Want To Make Wine, Huh? 6 Feb 2012 | 12:45 pm
So, it’s about an hour before The Big Game and business has been very slow in the winery. Typical for a Big Game day, so wine drinkers do like football? Apparently… I spent the weekend working on the...