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Has it really been eight years... 23 Feb 2013 | 07:17 pm
Yes, I suppose it has. Tried to go for the decade, but I started getting too many spam comments and had to sign-n to delete them. Ah, so close.
Has it really been a month? 7 May 2005 | 07:30 pm
Apparently it has. That is not to say I've abandoned this little blog here. I've just been taking my own advice and clearing out my schedule, crossing things off my to do list, and the like. I've also...
What is and what will never be... 4 Apr 2005 | 05:15 pm
Yesterday's situation still exists, I'm afraid. However, I've taken what I said about clearing my schedule some to heart. I do have too much stuff going on, which makes it hard to get anything done. T...
A brief mea culpa... 3 Apr 2005 | 08:26 pm
I had intended to do the review of The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway on Tuesday, but a very last minute editing/rendering spree tied me up, and will likely do so this week as well. There's only a limited...
As do the rivers, so must the music... 28 Mar 2005 | 09:46 pm
Today, in keeping with this week's music theme, I'm writing a little bit about mix tapes. It's a subject I've spent quite a bit of time thinking about over the years. There's an awful lot to think abo...
Fish in a barrel... 28 Mar 2005 | 12:31 am
Ok, you might think it's a little to easy to take shots at Clear Channel these days. After all, everyone else already has, including several members of congress. In fact, as a company, you've probably...
Are you into vinyl... 26 Mar 2005 | 10:28 pm
I know I was slacking last week. I didn't really have that much to say. Actually I was intending to do what I've got in mind for this week, but I didn't get the first step done, so I had to postpone. ...
Because Tsunami Books sounds stupid... 19 Mar 2005 | 10:21 pm
There are quite a few used book stores in Albuquerque. There are even quite a few good used book stores in Albuquerque. One of my favorites is Title Wave Books. Snide comments from geologists who poin...
And Zappa said...Let there be Hot Rats 15 Mar 2005 | 11:33 pm
To get right to the point, Frank Zappa is odd. Definitely odd. Actually, Zappa is a pretty interesting figure in the music world. You won't find one of his early albums poorly rated, despite the fact ...
Just another Monday. Manic? Who can say... 14 Mar 2005 | 09:54 pm
It's Monday and I can do whatever I want. I'm too tired to do anything, so I give you "The 2AM Maintenance Haiku": Oh no! The Water! Broken pipe within the wall Where is maintenance? Tomorrow is mus...