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Album 01/04/10, by Karen Newsome 4 Jan 2010 | 08:28 pm
I'd like to share my Walgreens Photo Center photos with you. Once you have checked out my photos you can order prints and upload your own photos to share.
Catching Up... 19 Feb 2009 | 03:12 pm
I've been a very, VERY bad blogger. I apologize to everyone about that! I just seem to stay so busy these days. Kaelie is growing by leaps and bounds! On February 16, she had her first well-baby chec...
Ear Advice 1 Feb 2009 | 08:16 pm
Hi All ~ I guess I've been putting off the inevitable by not visiting the doctor, but I was hoping to save myself a trip and give this ear stuff I've had a chance to fix itself. That's not happened, ...
First Week Home 1 Feb 2009 | 05:48 pm
Well, our party of five has survived our very first week home! What an exhausting, fun, and joyous week it has been. Let me do a quick run-down of the details: Sunday afternoon found us at the pediat...
Welcome Home, Kaelie! 26 Jan 2009 | 05:14 pm
Our "tag team" of four became a "Party of Five" Friday night at the Jacksonville Airport! Our long travel day began at 12:30 am Friday morning in China, when Kaelie got up with a fever and cough (I t...
Last Day in China 23 Jan 2009 | 01:40 am
Hi Everyone ~ Well, our journey to China is coming to an end. But, in a brand-new way, the journey is just beginning. A new person to love, Kaelie, a life to watch grow and blossom, to nurture a huma...
It's Been Awhile! 22 Jan 2009 | 12:15 pm
A few random pictures... Happy New Year Greetings! These statues are in all the restaurants now, the excitement is building to a fever-pitch for the Spring Festival (Lunar New Year)! My pouty girl! ...
Quick Post - Medical Exam - January 17 18 Jan 2009 | 12:17 pm
My sweet Kaelie has turned into a "hold-me" baby, so this is going to be a quick post. I'll try to fill in more later. Yesterday (January 17) we had the medical check-up and visa photo. It took Kaeli...
Sightseeing Day! 16 Jan 2009 | 07:14 pm
Yesterday (January 15) was a sightseeing day for our little happy adoption group. We boarded the bus, then headed into the heart of Guangzhou to visit the ancestral temple of the Family Chen. It was a...
A Beautiful Day in China! January 14, 2009 15 Jan 2009 | 10:09 am
Good morning from Guangzhou! Kaelie and I called it a day and turned in early last night, around 6:30 pm. We had a great day but we were both totally exhausted. We had most of the day free, so we sp...