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Giveaway! 18 Apr 2013 | 05:23 pm

Hello there! It's been a long time since i've posted, and i now have over 1000 twitter followers =D which I can't really understand as I only really tweet about food. So in order to celebrate a chang...

Danadamki 18 Dec 2012 | 04:11 pm

Scouring through pretty things on Etsy looking for christmas presents I came across Danadamki A shop filled with weird and wonderful illustrated characters. I love that each animal or person has a .....

Danadamki 18 Dec 2012 | 04:11 pm

Scouring through pretty things on Etsy looking for christmas presents I came across Danadamki A shop filled with weird and wonderful illustrated characters. I love that each animal or person has a na...

Geeky Gift Guide 1 Dec 2012 | 04:48 pm

So what do you get for a super geek at christmas? Here's just a few things i've found on my own hunt for the perfect gifts: Star Wars Origami £9.62 Waterstones Chunky Knitwear Christmas Jumper Area....

Geeky Gift Guide 1 Dec 2012 | 04:48 pm

So what do you get for a super geek at christmas? Here's just a few things i've found on my own hunt for the perfect gifts: Star Wars Origami £9.62 Waterstones Chunky Knitwear Christmas Jumper Area ...

Pretty New Things 27 Nov 2012 | 06:17 pm

Why hello there! I have so many pretty treats to show you from my new website ohsodainty I'm still selling my owl loves panda jewellery but now stock cute dresses and jumpers, and probably other love...

Pretty New Things 27 Nov 2012 | 06:17 pm

Why hello there! I have so many pretty treats to show you from my new website ohsodainty I'm still selling my owl loves panda jewellery but now stock cute dresses and jumpers, and probably other love...

A Parliament of Owls 8 Nov 2012 | 11:10 pm

Here's just a few members of my owl family I've collected over the last few years. Most of the really ugly ones were given to me by my lovely best friend. I don't even know why people started buying m...

A Parliament of Owls 8 Nov 2012 | 11:10 pm

Here's just a few members of my owl family I've collected over the last few years. Most of the really ugly ones were given to me by my lovely best friend. I don't even know why people started buying m...

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