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Goodbye... 26 Aug 2011 | 12:11 pm
but say hello on my new blog. Yes, I know its been AGES since I've updated with anything, but a lot has 'appened in my life as of recent. 1) I've gone back to school. I'm currently enrolled full time...
Alice is H-O-T! 5 Feb 2011 | 07:25 pm
Tis a shame spent a total of two days painting her and right when I'm about to take her pretty picture, her hand puppet's "arm" falls off. Bugger! Well drop me a line tell me what you think.
Malifaux makes me a MaliFAN! 4 Feb 2011 | 07:47 pm
Just wanted to preface this with: This is my official first game! (And I loved it. ) ME: Zoraida + Voodoo Doll Collodi + Marionette Primordial Magic Marionette Marionette Doppleganger HIM (from memo...
O&G March 2011 7 Dec 2010 | 07:38 pm
So where does that put Grey Knights Tasty?! Or does the great GW put out double month codex/army books now?
A Long Time Coming... 3 Dec 2010 | 06:19 am
I returned home late last night after a very long 12 1/2 hour flight from the West Coast. Good thing is, today has shaped up to be perfect priming weather, so my models are currently drying in my wind...
Ripley's! 20 Oct 2010 | 02:31 am
Believe it or not I've got a 2500 point match tonight against Ben and his Beastmen. Hopefully I won't forget my camera so I can take some pictures of this momentus occasion. Expect more tonight or to...
Some Nid notes... 8 Oct 2010 | 01:54 pm
Been reading s'more, and here's what I've been thinking about Nids... Tyranid Prime (Whip/Sword, Toxin, Regen) 80+15+10+10=115 Hive Guard x2 50+50=100 Hive Guard x2 50+50=100 Deathleaper 140 Term...
Goooo Gijants!!! 4 Oct 2010 | 12:43 pm
Lets see if Jacobs can get his head out his ass, and Eli can throw something other than a pick...
I hate you ABC/ESPN!!! 3 Oct 2010 | 02:26 pm
Making me watch stupid "rivalry" game of Boston College vs. Norte Dame AND the GAY game of Washington vs. USC...why oh why can't you put on a good night game (like the Standford/Oregon game)?! Oh and...
Is Warhammer (40K) your life? 30 Sep 2010 | 12:32 pm
I love our hobby. I look forward to the many blogs, the personalities that go into the writings, the beautiful paint jobs, and all the other things that go into this. But what else? I can only stare ...