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Handmade Takes Time 8 Feb 2013 | 03:23 pm
I have got to the point where I am blessed with being really busy. I have lots of orders and request for custom items. Unfortunately, people may have to wait a couple of weeks for items. Obviously I...
Happy New Year 31 Dec 2012 | 09:36 pm
Its about time I posted on my blog again, it seems to have whizzed by since my last posting in August, which was about our new chickens. They are doing well by the way, and we are just waiting patien...
Chickens 8 Aug 2012 | 12:50 pm
Some time ago I told you about my daughter and her desperate wish to own some chickens. The idea was that she would help me make my mirrors and for everyone sold 20p would go in the chicken fund. T...
And the winner is .... 9 Jul 2012 | 03:28 pm
Firstly, I must apologise for the delay in announcing the winner. I was up the hospital saturday night with severe pains in my head. It turns out I have a nasty infection in my ear canal and have be...
Just Because ... its giveaway time 2 Jul 2012 | 11:06 pm
Hi Not been blogging for a while, so its nice to see you again :). I was recently asked to make a little bag as a thank you gift for someone. Somewhere in between my phone cases and kindle cases. ...
Mirror, Mirror and Chickens too,,,, 26 May 2012 | 02:29 am
My daughter is desperate for some chickens in the garden. So she is helping me with my new range of mini mirrors. I have created some fabric ones and also some made from prints of my favourite brooc...
And the Winner is ... 7 May 2012 | 05:19 am
Thank you so much to everyone that entered my Lavender Bag giveaway. My daughter, Bayley, has just done the picking out of the hat. The winner has been chosen and is.... LITTLE BRICK HOUSE. Well d...
Lavender Bags 29 Apr 2012 | 09:03 pm
It has rained and rained here the past couple of days. Time to build an ark I think. Anyway, I thought I would pop a quick giveaway on here today. I have these little Lavender Bags in my Notonthehi...
And the winner is.... 7 Apr 2012 | 05:48 am
Thank you so much to everyone that entered my Spring Giveaway. I loved reading through all the comments about spring. The winner has been picked out of the hat and is..... Jenny Arnott.
Untitled 3 Apr 2012 | 07:55 pm
My teenage daughter loves Nature and Gardening. For Easter our gift to her was money to spend at the garden centre, so she could plant her vegetable patch. She has decided to start a blog about the g...