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Untitled 16 Nov 2011 | 10:48 am
Woo hoo! I finally took the time to figure out how to reclaim my blog back after [long, boring story so I won't go into it]. Guess what - I had a baby, my eldest is in her second year of school, I'm ...
Untitled 8 Feb 2011 | 09:59 pm
Where the heck have I been? Well, unfortunately I've been sucked into Facebook. I still love reading blogs, but I'm so slow at writing that status updates just seem so more efficient. Boo, I know. Th...
Untitled 1 Aug 2010 | 10:12 am
We're baaaaack Although we had a blast in good ol' Virginny, both of us were thrilled to be back home in France. Weird, huh. I looked back through some of my older blog posts and a lot of them involv...
Untitled 8 Jul 2010 | 04:02 pm
Heavens to Betsy Has it really been, oh, say 6 whole months since I posted? I blame it on Facebook and just being busy in general. Right now I'm back in the good ol' US of A and am loving the greener...
Untitled 19 Dec 2009 | 02:42 am
Christmas Time's A Comin' And while I'm not going home, I'm still pretty excited about it all. I think I mentioned I've all of a sudden been motivated to do some solo sewing, because in the past I ca...
Untitled 7 Dec 2009 | 05:26 am
So Many Reasons to Love My Husband... Here are but two: 1) He dug up and carried all the cursed gravel out of the back yard (through the house, bucketful by bucketful). Then he put in a patio. It's ...
Untitled 10 Oct 2009 | 07:24 am
Photo(s) du jour
Untitled 9 Oct 2009 | 01:00 am
Another Milestone for Momma So, the other week I drove in Paris as well as on the peripherique (bypass) by myself for the first time. I was not technically by myself as I had my charming 3-foot-tall ...
Untitled 11 Sep 2009 | 01:35 am
Just Another Late State of the Union Address We've just returned from our second vacation down south to the in-laws' for a wedding. Who would have ever thought I'd have a life in which we'd take our ...
Untitled 19 Aug 2009 | 06:47 am
Just Call Me the Space Cowboy We went to mail a couple of packages today, and Stinkerbella didn't stop jabbering away the whole time we were there. There was a man in front of us with long, stringy h...