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Setahun sudah :) 11 May 2013 | 08:16 pm
Assalamualaikum.. Fuh fuh.. Alhamdulillah.. Its been a year for us meant together, such a tough year so far but it bring the most magnificent moments :) Many many thanks to my luvly wife for this a...
week 35 15 Mar 2013 | 10:42 am
salam.. week 35 sudah. tadi check up, nurse cek perut, kecik nye... die xpuas ati, die ukur lagi, xpuas ati lg, die ukur lagi.. "kecik nie size perot awak nie.. hurmm... xpe ye.. mggu depan kite scan...
happy day.. ;) 13 Mar 2013 | 06:13 pm
salam... balik keje je, balik la kt umah puchong... n bile tgk tmpt surat, cer teke ape saye jumpe.. ;) taraaaa..... poskad dr ostolia... hehe hehe... incik asben saye mmg x romantik... tapi die pan...
warming up.. 3 Mar 2013 | 06:10 pm
salam... last post Jun 2012.. wahh.. taun lepas.. nmpk x betapa bznye...hehe alhamdulillah... da lebih 9 bulan da menjadi isteri.. =) n skang tgh countdown nk jadi ibu pulak.. alhamdulillah..rezeki d...
~Sah Menjadi Suami Isteri~ 12 Jun 2012 | 06:23 am
salam... alhamdulillah.... genaplah sbulan kami nikah.. =) mcm sekejap je rase... dah sebulan rupenye... nie ader gambar2 sket tuk sape yg xdapat datang... tapi nie dari camera sndiri je.. malam ni...
apabila keluar rumah 13 Apr 2012 | 01:41 pm
salam.. lamenye rase x tulis pape kat sni.. ksian blog nie.. idup terlalu bz dengan keje yg banyak... being a pharmacist is easy, but, being a good pharmacist requires more effort... not sure if i ca...
isi borang!!!! 6 Apr 2012 | 02:59 pm
Salam...:) bru pas isi borang kawen.... Agak leceh la jugak...tpi nk wat cmne.. Kate nk kawen..hehehe... Tulis jawi tu yg cggih tu.....hehehee... Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.4
Date night.. 15 Mar 2012 | 04:09 am
ok, tu some of the part Teater Cuci :) baru je tgk last week, komedi not bad sbb seme pun star2 kn hmmmm… tp disappointed kat storyline sbb same je mcm cite2 cuci b4 nie as per her testimony hehe ras...
suami untuk isteri 14 Mar 2012 | 01:17 am
salam.. ai ebribodi... mggu nie, mggu ke2 kat ward.. jage ward medical skang nie... nk cerita pasal 1 patient nie.. admitted to ward for 2nd cycle of cyclophosphamide, for the treatment of SLE... pa...
insist.... 20 Feb 2012 | 03:09 am
It’s a nice song to start with? :p hmmmm such a honours for me to be given write an entry here which have more than 60 followers… Lagu nie lek2 je kn, die cam nak gtau jgn risau, bnde yg kte xdpt nn...