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today…. 15 Mar 2013 | 12:12 pm
i decided to write in my blog…huhu buleh percaya kaaaa? anyhow percaya aje lah for now kan hikhik the truth is i really missed blogging tapikan sebab iceberg dah terlampau besar kat kepala ni la yang ...
frittata for brunch!!! 23 Jan 2013 | 06:50 pm
hello peeps! let’s see what’s for breakfast today ye! nothing fancy la ths morning cuma i sempat buatkan sausages and red bean buns saja. well i woke at 3am..haaa awal kan! i think im the one yg suk...
the cake 22 Jan 2013 | 04:55 am
yup! the cake that makes me want to eat and eat and eat all day long hahaha nasib baik dah petang masa siap bakar kek tu! if not harusla breakfast lunch and dinner wud be that cake kan! owh! im talkin...
blueberry sour cream muffins 1 Nov 2012 | 04:59 am
Hullo peeps! i woke up early ths morning semata mata nak buat muffins ni hek eleh hari hari bangun kul 5.45 jek terjaga kul 5.30 pagi pun dah bising eh yup! for those yang tertanya tany...
Crepes and apples for breakfast 23 Oct 2012 | 03:15 pm
hello peeps! another easy peasy breakfast that i always make for my family during weekdays normally buat crepes ni bila buat pancakes sebabnya bila dah buat pancakes separuh lagi separuh tu i just t...
our kind of breakfast 22 Oct 2012 | 07:53 pm
one of our favourite nak buat pun sangat senang kan! here’s the recipe..can make 2 serving (2 bijik omelette) ingredients 4 eggs a pinch of salt 1/4 tsp black pepper (suka hati nk banyak mana la...
Apple and Oats Muffins for breakfast 18 Oct 2012 | 06:15 am
Hello peeps! Just finished my breakfast and yup that is my plate ye anyway im still in no mood to cerita ceriti panjang lebor. well… this is a recipe blog kan! so no cerita lah! just recipe saja lah...
bruschetta time 18 Jun 2012 | 04:39 pm
yup! i made bruschetta for dinner malam tadik! al kisahnya kemalasan menjelma bila kena makan dinner sensorang nih..well, of course hasya is around but she and her own menu ehehe minah tu jaaaaran...
Dulu kini dan selamanya 4 Jun 2012 | 05:50 pm
ececeh macam bercinta pulak ye! heheh yang sebenar benarnya nak bagitau saya sangat cinta sama ini kek! yup!! finally i baked the victoria sandwich cake! all this while mkn sepotong kat kedai aje...
tuna fettucine…another campak campak dinner 31 May 2012 | 05:41 pm
and one of my feveret jugak heheh ;-) dunno lah i ni asal yang campak campak tu lah yang sedap ehehe no laaaaa…love this kind of food sebab tak banyak kena cuci pinggan and periuk belanga hahaha.....