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Jamie Christina Mission Maxi 26 Jul 2013 | 04:35 pm
There are patterns, and then there are PATTERNS! This is a blog post which is a big shout-out for the Jamie Christina Mission Maxi pattern. I LOVE THIS PATTERN! Did I mention I love this pattern? ...
I Did It Again!!! 26 Jul 2013 | 03:34 am
And I'll do it again and again and again! I previewed my first version of the Jamie Christina Mission Maxi dress in this post I wrote up earlier today and decided to write a post of my second versio....
The Surprise of McCalls 6326 22 Jul 2013 | 05:12 pm
Here is one my recent sewing projects, McCalls 6326. The pattern has several style options which are really cute, and I loved the version with the neck strap. I really liked the way it turned out and...
A Talented Teenage Seamstress! 27 Jun 2013 | 06:36 am
(Note: Lots of pics in this post :) !) I've waited a LONG time for this moment. Far too long. How I could have given birth to two daughters who expressed no interest in sewing I'll never know. I ...
My Pride and Joy. Thanks, Annie! 26 Jun 2013 | 04:54 pm
Years ago (more like 3 decades+) back in the summer of 1980, I asked my grandmother if I could have her old Singer when she stopped sewing. She laughed and said she had many more years of sewing ahea...
McCalls 6460, Version 2.0 22 Jun 2013 | 09:48 pm
If you read my blog (and God love you if you do because my following is near zero lol), you will remember this blog post about my first version of McCalls 6460 for my oldest daughter. Let me tell you...
Beat 'em to it! 13 Jun 2013 | 06:15 am
I'm sure there are many seamstresses out there like me who are one or two seasons behind the times fashion wise. I never seem to make things when the pattern just comes out, it's always much later :(...
PR Contest Entry: The Kardashian Knockoff dress 2 Mar 2013 | 05:40 am
Last week at this time, I had just received two of the necessary fabrics in the mail to make my contest entry. Saturday I retraced my self-drafted pattern from my red knit dress, and on Sunday I drew...
It's Official! 26 Feb 2013 | 06:38 am
I've entered! :) Will I finish on time? We'll see. 3. More. Days.... BTW, I found a great link on Geni's blog. It's for the Fabulous 40+ group. And what a group we are! :)
Hey Kardashian sisters... 24 Feb 2013 | 08:38 am
I'm not fattening your wallet, but I'm keeping mine well padded! I love some of the dresses in your Sears Kardashian line, but I'm NOT going to pay for them :) . Instead, I created a knockoff dress ...