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BL-5C Batteries 4 Apr 2010 | 03:41 am
This type of original Nokia batterie most used by Nokia Mobile Phone product. The BL-5C batteries were used with the following Nokia models: Nokia 1100, Nokia 1100c, Nokia 1101, Nokia 1108, Nokia 111...
BL-5C Batteries 4 Apr 2010 | 12:02 am
This type of original Nokia batterie most used by Nokia Mobile Phone product. The BL-5C batteries were used with the following Nokia models: Nokia 1100, Nokia 1100c, Nokia 1101, Nokia 1108, Nokia 111...
Setting Internet PC atau Laptop dengan menggunakan Modem Handphone Berbluetooth dan Kartu Mentari atau IM3 22 Mar 2010 | 10:16 pm
[ENGLISH] Saya akan menunjukkan kepada anda petunjuk langkah demi langkah cara setting internet komputer (PC/Laptop) dengan menggunakan modem ponsel yg ber-bluetooth dengan kartu Mentari atau IM3 dar...
Setting the Internet on a laptop or PC using Bluetooth Mobile Phone as Modem with Mentari or IM3 Card by Indosat 22 Mar 2010 | 10:16 pm
[BAHASA INDONESIA] I will show you step by step instructions how to setup Internet on your computer (PC or laptop) by using a Bluetooth mobile phone as modem with Mentari or IM3 card from INDOSAT. In...
Voucher Internet Indosat (Voucher 5000 GPRS) 22 Mar 2010 | 10:15 pm
[ENGLISH] Makin Bebas Ber-Internet Dengan Voucher Internet Indosat Kini pengguna Mentari dan IM3 dapat ber-internet ria lebih leluasa dengan Voucher Internet, voucher khusus dari Indosat yang pulsan...
Instalasi Bluetooth Adapter IVT Bluesoleil di Microsoft Windows XP 22 Mar 2010 | 10:09 pm
[ENGLISH] Berikut ini akan saya tunjukkan langkah demi langkah cara instal bluetooth adapter IVT Bluesoleil di Windows XP. Langkah-langkahnya adalah sebagai berikut: (1) Masukkan CD driver Bluetooth...
Installing Bluetooth Adapter IVT BlueSoleil in The Microsoft Windows XP 22 Mar 2010 | 10:09 pm
[BAHASA INDONESIA] Here I will show you step by step how to install a Bluetooth adapter IVT Bluesoleil in Windows XP. The steps are as follows: (1) Insert the CD Bluetooth driver you get from the pa...
Setting Internet Nokia 6275i CDMA via the Bluetooth with Fren card from Mobile-8 22 Mar 2010 | 10:08 pm
[BAHASA INDONESIA] To enable browsing the Internet with the Nokia 6275i CDMA with Fren card can be done with the data cable or Bluetooth. As we know that the Nokia 6275i equipped with the Bluetooth ...
Transfer Balance of 3 (Three) 22 Mar 2010 | 10:06 pm
[BAHASA INDONESIA] I will show you how to transfer credits between the number of three. Suppose your three number is 08989898999 and you will transfer your balance Rp10000 to the number three of your...
Setting Internet Nokia 6275i CDMA via Bluetooth dengan kartu Fren dari Mobile-8 22 Mar 2010 | 10:05 pm
[ENGLISH] Untuk dapat melakukan browsing internet dengan Nokia 6275i CDMA dengan kartu Fren dapat dilakukan dengan kabel data ataupun Bluetooth. Sebagaimana kita ketahui bahwa Nokia 6275i dilengkapi ...