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Birthday Boy and A 'Fishful' Day 23 Nov 2011 | 07:46 pm
Today is my dad's 76th birthday: "Bah, Happy Birthday and wishing you the very best of health!!". My dad (and my Hubby) came over to Melbourne for a visit last month and we took the opportunity to thr...
SYDNEY FISH MARKET 21 Sep 2011 | 06:07 pm
Where was my 2nd destination in Sydney? Sydney Fish Market, of course! A seafood paradise for seafood lovers! According to their website, it claims to be the world's second largest seafood market in ...
Harry's Cafe de Wheels @ Sydney 6 Sep 2011 | 05:40 pm
I first heard of Harry's Cafe de Wheels many year ago while watching Anthony Bourdain on TV savouring away a very "mouth-watering-looking" pie topped with mashed pea and potato. I told myself back the...
FIRST DAY OF SPRING 2011 1 Sep 2011 | 02:23 pm
Yay! My favourite season is here again! Flowers flowers blooming everywhere. Even Hubby's dwarf nectarine and peach tree is flowering. They are just ooo-sooo-pretty!!!! Honestly, I thought the trees ...
Authentic Malay Food @ Selera Singapore Asli, Forest Hill 24 Aug 2011 | 07:40 pm
It's about time to put up a blogpost after a 3-month hiatus from the blogosphere. I have to stop making excuses that my business is taking too much of my time when the real reason is because I have be...
MY FOUR HOURS IN GUANGZHOU 11 May 2011 | 06:19 pm
An opportunity to go away for a holiday is extremely rare and precious to me now. Gone were the days when I could just spontaneously book an airticket and fly off the very next week...sigh. Depriving ...
MY PEA IS 8 20 Apr 2011 | 02:38 am
"Love at first sight"...yes, that's the best word to describe my feelings when I first set my eyes on Pea at the petshop 8 years ago. I never thought I will end up with a male Shih Tzu because I alway...
MY RIB EYE LUNCH 6 Apr 2011 | 06:48 pm
Hello everyone! It has more than 2 months since I last put up a bad my bad. I have been so hooked up with the games in Facebook, I just don't have the mood to sit down and squeeze words out ...
手抓饼 Yummy Crepe in Humen 21 Jan 2011 | 06:38 pm
My blogging bug has been bugging me for the past few days, desperately urging me to put up a post as soon as possible. I don't know where to start because honestly, since I have started the restaurant...
The BEST BEST Blueberries... 1 Dec 2010 | 06:11 pm
I have just tasted the best blueberries in the world. Although it was a bit too sour, it was definitely the yummiest I ever had. Why? Because the blueberries are homegrown and picked straight from MY...