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Make a standard DLL 7 May 2009 | 12:54 am
This examples builds a standard DLL that you can call by using the normal DLL calling conventions. For full details, see the article Creating a Windows DLL with Visual Basic. Thanks to Luke Emmet for...
Creating PDF files in Visual Basic 29 Apr 2009 | 10:09 pm
PDF stands for portable document format. It is a format that every operating system on virtually any computer can read. Its become the default standard for transferring and viewing files in an easy wa...
Untitled 29 Apr 2009 | 09:59 pm
Creating PDF files in Visual Basic 29 Apr 2009 | 06:17 pm
PDF stands for portable document format. It is a format that every operating system on virtually any computer can read. Its become the default standard for transferring and viewing files in an easy wa...
Arms Trouble 22 Apr 2009 | 07:02 pm
A man went to visit his doctor. "Doc, my arm hurts bad. Can you check it out please?" the man pleads. The doctor rolls up the man's sleeve and suddenly hears the arm talk. "Hello, Doctor't; says the ...
Menggunakan XP Style 22 Apr 2009 | 05:59 pm
Prasetyo Priadi www.PrasetyoLabs.Co.Cc VB6 IDE Ketik script xml berikut dalam text editor (seperti notepad) lalu simpan file tersebut dengan nama vb6.exe.manifest. Sud...
E-Book Gratis dengan Bahasa indonesia 22 Apr 2009 | 03:11 pm
Teman-teman programmer VB 6 maupun pemula di VB 6. Saya menemukan beberapa Ebook gratis untuk Tutorial Basic Programmer ataupun Expert Programmer. Berikut Link-link Ebook tersebut: http://www.snapdr...
Arms Trouble 22 Apr 2009 | 03:02 pm
A man went to visit his doctor. "Doc, my arm hurts bad. Can you check it out please?" the man pleads. The doctor rolls up the man's sleeve and suddenly hears the arm talk. "Hello, Doctor't; says the ...
Get disk serial number using the file system object 23 Feb 2009 | 07:54 pm
Description: This VB code (function) enables you to retrieve the hard disk (partition) serial number. This serial number is generated by Windows (or DOS) when you format a disk partition. Keywords: D...
Get disk serial number using the file system object 23 Feb 2009 | 02:58 pm
Description: This VB code (function) enables you to retrieve the hard disk (partition) serial number. This serial number is generated by Windows (or DOS) when you format a disk partition. Keywords: D...