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2 of the kiddos 11 Jul 2013 | 08:54 am
We were waiting for the funeral procession of 1 of the fighfighters near the Marana regional airport today.
Hey all! 6 Jun 2013 | 05:29 am
You know the kids are bored when they start chasing lizards out in the yard like the cats. Christopher came into the house yesterday with a lizard hanging from his nose. He was laughing an crying at t...
Aprons i make 20 May 2012 | 04:22 am
I have been keeping busy sewing and arts n crafts projects. The half aprons are $15 each. Most of the material i am sewing with i can no longer find. The bag i hand decorated myself with fabric marker...
Addicted to Facebook 1 May 2012 | 07:45 am
Been busy here. I know alot of you have been busy with everything. I have to admit i am addicted to Facebook like alot of my friends and blogging friends are to as well. Some of my blogging friends ha...
No longer on a break 13 Feb 2012 | 12:49 pm
I am back. Had to take a much needed break. I am addicted to facebook like alot of my other blogging friends. And the games there too. I have a Facebook page for my creations here called PurpleFroggyC...
Twitpic - Share photos and videos on Twitter 25 Mar 2011 | 04:58 am
Twitpic - Share photos and videos on Twitter
I am coming back 3 Mar 2011 | 04:26 pm
I have had alot of problems here at home and health related problems/stress/kids you name it! The husband has been without a job for way over a year now..My stress has really been adding up to that an...
I need some help 12 Oct 2010 | 08:01 am
We have had alot of problems within this past year. Hubby lost his job and haven`t been able to get another one. He doesn`t qualify for unemployment since he quit for health and safety reasons. We are...
I am back! 22 Sep 2010 | 09:56 am
I am back at the moment but for who know`s for how long till i have a relapse with my pinched nerve (slip disk) in the neck.. I have been busy on Facebook, Twitter and making Jewerly to sell..I have a...
update on me 5 Aug 2010 | 06:04 am
Sorry i haven`t been around for awhile..I have been on FaceBook way too much lately and have had some medical issues pop up..I am really starting to dislike doctors right now..I have a MRI last week.....