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Favorite Foodie Television: Okazu No Cooking (おかずのクッキング) 25 Aug 2013 | 11:10 pm
I didn't know they moved Sara's Secrets off of Food Network and onto the Cooking Channel. Goes to show how long it's been since I've watched, but it was one of my favorite shows! At the end of the day...
Favorite Foodie Television: Danshi Gohan (男子ごはん) 23 Aug 2013 | 10:38 am
Fourth of the series, finally getting to a cooking show. I could easily spend another month with only "Variety" style television because there simply are too many (though they all wouldn't necessarily...
Favorite Foodie Television: Matsuko No Shiranai Sekai (マツコの知らない世界) 19 Aug 2013 | 12:04 pm
My next favorite foodie television introducing today is Matsuko no Shiranai Sekai (Official Site & Wiki Page). A translation of the title is "Matsuko's Unknown Worlds" or "The Unknown Worlds of Matsuk...
Favorite Foodie Television: Wafu Sohonke 18 Aug 2013 | 01:07 am
The next favorite foodie television I wanted to share is Wafu Sohonke (Official Site & Wiki Page). The program describes itself as providing "Wa" Entertainment but it's basically in your Japanese Vari...
Favorite Foodie Television - Part One: Himitsu No Kenmin Show (秘密のケンミンSHOW) 15 Aug 2013 | 10:59 am
Food on television isn't a new topic for my blog but focusing on individual shows are. The ones I'll be covering in this series, at least for the first few, will mostly be Japanese but I'll eventually...
Friday Foto-Buffet 12 Aug 2013 | 12:23 am
A collection of food photos that will probably not make it to a proper post otherwise. They're this Friday's Food Foto-Buffet. A lot to go through tonight so let's start! A beef empanada from Pampas ...
My Nostalgic Bites @ Sun Flour Bagel - Carlsbad 4 Aug 2013 | 01:08 pm
Time sure flies, it's been exactly a year since I first visited Sun Flour Bagel in Carlsbad, August of 2012. I did enough research at the time to know the Japanese breads that I was interested in tryi...
Friday Foto-Buffet 3 Aug 2013 | 09:41 pm
A collection of food photos that will probably not make it to a proper post otherwise. They're this Friday's Food Foto-Buffet. One of these days I'll actually post on a Thursday night, but I still ha...
Gyutan Tsukasa - Mitsuwa Market Costa Mesa 29 Jul 2013 | 10:54 am
It took me long enough but finally getting around sharing my meals had at Gyutan Tsukasa. Your grilled beef tongue specialist hailing from Sendai, now conveniently located (permanently) in the food co...
A Bun Bo Hue Chay @ SD Lantern Festival 2013 22 Jul 2013 | 11:03 am
A quick post for tonight, I was driving down El Cajon Blvd looking forward to an early Banh Mi Xiu Mai lunch fix today and came across the SD Little Saigon Lantern Festival over by Hoover H.S. (across...