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Second to last post 3 Jul 2009 | 02:39 am
This is more of a status report than anything. I'm busy in the throes of finishing my PhD and going through the logistics of moving and starting a postdoc. So, don't expect to see anything here for a...
Too Twitterpated 23 Dec 2008 | 09:55 am
Does anybody else see how Mike Wilson's response in an emergency is lacking? How about helping the others on the plane escape? If you were still so into to the technology and the need to communicate, ...
Reason's Greetings? 8 Dec 2008 | 12:55 pm
I think the sign posted by the Freedom From Religion Foundation at the Legislative Building in Olympia, Washington crossed the line. The sign projects several offensive claims. It says, "At this seaso...
Hulk theology 14 Nov 2008 | 06:38 pm
I'm way too removed from the pop culture scene that I only heard yesterday about Nick Hogan's car crash over a year ago and the Hulk family shenanigans surrounding it. In the leaked phone call between...
I hope you find religion 12 Nov 2008 | 06:54 am
I called my mother a day after the election and this was the beginning of our conversation. Mom: How are you? Me: All right. Happy about the election. Mom: I bet you are. I just hope you find relig...
Blog plug: Atheist Ethicist 11 Nov 2008 | 06:24 am
The Atheist Ethicist presents a daily, long-winded, but interesting essay. Alonzo Fyfe, the author, presents compelling arguments and fodder for a number of topics centered around defining atheism, an...
I vant to share my blood 30 Oct 2008 | 01:48 am
It is easy to assume that sucking another creature's life's blood is the simplest way to obtain necessary nutrients. Problem is, most creatures don't like their blood being sucked, but moreover, as an...
First she was just cute 27 Oct 2008 | 04:47 am
... but now I'm scared. What an idiot.
Mmm...Mmm...Life 20 Oct 2008 | 04:22 pm
The evil twin 14 Oct 2008 | 04:42 pm
I have an identical twin brother. Our parents treated us equally, though I would say he was given more the vibe that he was the business one, and I was the creative one. We went to the same small Chri...