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Shiur - Monday, Parshas Chukas - 25 Sivan, 5771 - 06/27/2011 28 Jun 2011 | 12:23 pm
Click HERE for Replay of the Shiur To "Listen" to the Shiur, just click on the above Link. To "SAVE" the Shiur, to your computer (to Download to your PC and save), Right-Click on the Above Link and th...
Shiur - Sunday, Parshas Chukas - 24 Sivan, 5771 - 06/26/2011 27 Jun 2011 | 01:50 pm
Click HERE for Replay of the Shiur To "Listen" to the Shiur, just click on the above Link. To "SAVE" the Shiur, to your computer (to Download to your PC and save), Right-Click on the Above Link and th...
Shiur - Monday, Parshas Tazria - 22 Adar_2, 5771 - 03/28/2011 29 Mar 2011 | 07:37 am
Click HERE for Replay of the Shiur To "Listen" to the Shiur, just click on the above Link. To "SAVE" the Shiur, to your computer (to Download to your PC and save), Right-Click on the Above Link and th...
Shiur - Sunday, Parshas Tazria - 21 Adar_2, 5771 - 03/27/2011 29 Mar 2011 | 07:35 am
Click HERE for Replay of the Shiur To "Listen" to the Shiur, just click on the above Link. To "SAVE" the Shiur, to your computer (to Download to your PC and save), Right-Click on the Above Link and th...
Shiur - Friday, Parshas Pekuday - 28 Adar 5771 - 03/04/2011 5 Mar 2011 | 06:13 am
Click HERE for Replay of the Shiur To "Listen" to the Shiur, just click on the above Link. To "SAVE" the Shiur, to your computer (to Download to your PC and save), Right-Click on the Above Link and ...
Shiur - Thursday, Parshas Pekuday - 27 Adar 5771 - 03/03/2011 4 Mar 2011 | 05:16 pm
Click HERE for Replay of the Shiur To "Listen" to the Shiur, just click on the above Link. To "SAVE" the Shiur, to your computer (to Download to your PC and save), Right-Click on the Above Link and ...
Shiur - Wednesday, Parshas Pekuday - 26 Adar 5771 - 03/02/2011 4 Mar 2011 | 05:14 am
Click HERE for Replay of the Shiur To "Listen" to the Shiur, just click on the above Link. To "SAVE" the Shiur, to your computer (to Download to your PC and save), Right-Click on the Above Link and ...
Shiur - Tuesday, Parshas Pekuday - 25 Adar 5771 - 03/01/2011 2 Mar 2011 | 04:45 pm
Click HERE for Replay of the Shiur To "Listen" to the Shiur, just click on the above Link. To "SAVE" the Shiur, to your computer (to Download to your PC and save), Right-Click on the Above Link and ...
Shiur - Monday, Parshas Pekuday - 24 Adar 5771 - 02/28/2011 2 Mar 2011 | 04:44 pm
Click HERE for Replay of the Shiur To "Listen" to the Shiur, just click on the above Link. To "SAVE" the Shiur, to your computer (to Download to your PC and save), Right-Click on the Above Link and ...
Shiur - Sunday, Parshas Pekuday - 23 Adar 5771 - 02/27/2011 28 Feb 2011 | 11:19 am
Click HERE for Replay of the Shiur To "Listen" to the Shiur, just click on the above Link. To "SAVE" the Shiur, to your computer (to Download to your PC and save), Right-Click on the Above Link and ...