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Liftchallenge # 48 27 Aug 2013 | 06:20 pm
Another great new challenge over at the liftchallenge blog. En weer een hele leuke opdracht op het liftchallenge blog. The card to lift; Het voorbeeld; My take; Mijn uitwerking; ...........and b...
Cards en scrap # 182 De kleuren van de regenboog. 27 Aug 2013 | 10:49 am
Today a new challenge over at the cards en scrap blog and the challenge is COLORS OF THE RAINBOW. Vandaag weer een nieuwe challenge op het Cards en scrap blog. En de challenge is dit keer KLEUREN VAN ...
Stamp-a-faire 2013 26 Aug 2013 | 01:52 pm
And here is my final contribution for this big event. Would love to have done some more challenges but due to lack of time and not having the right stuff I will keep it this way. Now fingers crossed!!...
Stamp-a-faire 2013 papertrey ink 26 Aug 2013 | 11:30 am
And the following card is the best technique I love it. En de techniek gebruikt op het volgende kaartje is geweldig leuk, ga ik vast vaker doen. Since I didn't have that great stampset I had to come ...
Stamp-a-faire 2013 Papertrey ink 26 Aug 2013 | 11:03 am
And the fun continues because there is still time to make some more challenges. En we gaan gewoon nog even door want er is nog steeds tijd om mee te doen. Here is my take on this great technique; Hie...
Bloghop Papertrey ink # 5; OVERLAPPING OMBRE ( make it monday # 120) 25 Aug 2013 | 10:58 pm
And yes here is the fifth card already. I have so much fun doing this bloghop I hope you'll all like it too. En ja hoor hier alweer het 5de kaartje voor deze bloghop. Ik hoop dat jullie er allemaal ne...
Bloghop Papertreyink # 6 ; ADDING TEXTURE TO STAMPS ( make it monday #116) 25 Aug 2013 | 10:30 pm
And I did it, here is the final card for this amazing bloghop. It was my first time to compete but I think I join in the next time, had much fun. So thank you Nichole for this opportunity the nice c...
Bloghop Papertrey ink # 4; DOUBLE BACKGROUND STAMPING ( make it monday # 127) 25 Aug 2013 | 09:30 pm
And here is the next card for the bloghop. En hier alweer het volgende kaartje voor de bloghop. For this card I used the technique ; DOUBLE BACKGROUND STAMPING as shown in the make it monda...
Bloghop papertrey ink # 3 STAMPING ON DESIGN PAPERS. 25 Aug 2013 | 09:00 pm
And here is numero three for the bloghop. En hier nummertje drie voor de bloghop. The technigue used for this card is STAMPING ON DESIGN PAPERS. Hier heb ik als techniek gestempeld op designpapie...
Bloghop Papertrey ink #2; DIE CUT INLAYS meets Case Study challenge 25 Aug 2013 | 08:30 pm
And here the second card for the bloghop over at Papertrey ink. En hier mijn tweede bijdrage aan de bloghop. I would also like to link this one for the challenge over at the Case study challenge b...