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Weekend Luncheon @Little Penang Kafe 16 Jan 2012 | 05:30 am
Weekend Luncheon at Little Penang Kafe! at The Curve
Drop by@ cousin cute little shop 16 Jan 2012 | 05:24 am
The Totshop, a cute little shop located at Bukit Jelutong own by my wife cousin. She opened the shop last year but only now we had a time to drop by her shop and do some shopping of course. First, T...
Bumbu Desa @KLCC 26 Dec 2011 | 09:11 am
Bumbu Desa @KLCC another activity wajib for people yg ber'holiday'..makan-makan!!! after spending time in the pool, its time to fulfill the lust of hunger by food hunting at KLCC.. so to stay in the ...
Aariz Lepak2 26 Dec 2011 | 09:08 am
Melepak at centre of KL during 3 days of public holiday coz nk avoid all the hassle and jam going out of KL, My wife cousin decided to check-in at Impiana KLCC. So we all pun ape lg, tumpang sekaki l...
Dinner @Flavors 26 Dec 2011 | 08:58 am
A night of birthday celebration...16122011... Dinner kt Flavors, Swiss Garden Hotel KL to celebrate my mother in-law and grandmother in-law birthday... Basically a night of makan-makan!!! had a great ...
RantaiArt 2011 @ Urbanvillage 26 Dec 2011 | 08:54 am
Rantai Art 2011 at Urbanvillage Another art event that we visit this is an independent art event to promote and expose independent artist to public.. dh lama jgak Rantai event ni being h...
Art Book Fair 2011 26 Dec 2011 | 08:50 am
Early Disember, we went to Balai Seni Visual Negara, formerly known as Balai Seni Lukis Negara... just drop by to look at the art book fair 2011... sambil2 try to incorporate the love for art to Aariz...
Penang Trip 17 Dec 2011 | 08:30 am
Penang Trip... wife attending International Congress of Malaysian Society for Microbiology 2011 and food hunting!!! The plan was my wife attending the ICMSM, and mummy (MIL) will babysit Aariz for us....
Daniel Engagement Day 17 Dec 2011 | 08:17 am
Daniel Engagement Day at Sabak Bernam The engagement was held on the 2nd day of Hari Raya Haji (07/11/2011). Danial is my brother in law and the only son in my wife family. Everything went smoothly as...
Tea-time at Wondermilk Publika 29 Nov 2011 | 05:18 am
Wondermilk tea-time Mode: boring at home, nothing to do...want to, where to??? dun want to go to places with crowded people...just want to chillax with a...