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Untitled 5 Jan 2013 | 01:12 pm
Sekali dah update semalam, hari ni semangat pula nak continue. Now dah pukul 4 petang, but so far I have only prepared breakfast. Lunch tadi makan maggie goreng saja. As mentioned yesterday, I sibukk...
Untitled 4 Jan 2013 | 01:52 pm
Surprise!!!! I am bored actually. Been sitting in front of the computer since morning. Nak siap kan some work, buat accounting entries. I thought I need a break. So teringat that it has been a very lo...
Untitled 19 May 2012 | 12:45 pm
I love having my egg with kicap and tomato sos. I wonder if orang lain pun pernah try telur mata kerbau (or is it lembu) macam tu...sedap. In fact masa time pregnant with Bunches, that was the only th...
Untitled 18 May 2012 | 02:43 am
Oh dear, it has been quite a while kan since I last updated. Macam malas saja. And then my 2 girls - Bunches and Angel ada Naplan test this week at school. I hardly ever coach them with their school w...
Tiring day 10 May 2012 | 01:56 am
Hari ni penat, semalam pun penat, 2 days ago pun penat. I am trying to get the hang of a new routine ie bangun pukul 5 pagi. Alang alang nak bangun sahur, baik tak payah tidur terus. So by 8pm I pun ...
Untitled 8 May 2012 | 06:29 pm
So long I tak update, sibuk sangat sampai tak sempat. Let's see, 1st May was my birtday..sebab tu la sibuk benar.. tak habis habis calebrate my birthday. Best juga bila datang birthday ni, at least on...
Craft show 29 Apr 2012 | 02:55 am
Today the girls and I went to the Crafts, Antiques and Polka Dot Vintage Market. I memang suka pergi craft market. Bukan nak membeli sangat, but more of to cari idea for my craft project. Memang selal...
Untitled 25 Apr 2012 | 03:53 am
Hari ni I am updating pakai blogpress on iphone so gambar kecik, besok besok bila I mengadap computer, I will adjust gambar to make them bigger. Tak puas tengok gambar kecik. Macam dah lama tak tulis...
Girls day out 22 Apr 2012 | 11:51 pm
Had a lovely girls day out with my girls on Friday. It all started when I suggested that we should go and pay kakak a visit at her uni. Then might as well have a picnic at the uni. And since I was goi...
Untitled 21 Apr 2012 | 02:35 am
My favourite part of the day is definitely early in the morning, masa tak ada orang bangun lagi. Then I have the house to myself. Its me time and I suka sebab its very peaceful and quiet. The first th...