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What If Christianity Was False 6 Aug 2013 | 12:48 am

Many years back when I visited Sydney, we stayed with a friend of my mother's and her family. The mother was very much an opponent of Christianity and most organised religion, and it was no surprise t...

Where is God When Things Don't Go the Way You Want Them To? 14 Jul 2013 | 07:51 pm

I'll be frank. There's this girl I quite fancy, and she's not in the country. Since her graduation, I had been quite hoping that she would return to the country. Yet there were also word that she migh...

Ini Kalilah, or maybe not: a Christian reflection 5 May 2013 | 10:32 pm

I think at this crucial point in time, when many of us a devastated, and even angry at the alleged tricks pulled by the ruling party, where we feel that our hope for a better Malaysia is gone, that th...

A Requiem for a Garden 17 Mar 2013 | 07:45 am

Remember way back in April last year where I was working on a garden project? Well, as you can see from the picture above, it's gone. Closed down, cemented over. It's been a great eleven months. I've...

From Shimron's Archive: Sappy Poetry 23 Feb 2013 | 08:17 pm

Underwater in a Frozen Lake My fingers are bloodied, My nails are torn, My spirit is almost broken. I've seen those who have came and perished before me, Yet I find myself digging at the walls of ice....

Women: To Cover or To Uncover? 17 Feb 2013 | 06:40 pm

"I think that groping, raping is definitely unacceptable given that our society protect autonomy of body. However, I don't think it is fine that women is allowed to dress in whichever way they want a...

Dear Girls 16 Jan 2013 | 08:45 pm

Dear Girls, I write this letter for myself, and for my fellow men. Please be patient with us guys. Yes, especially with those who 'scare' you by coming on too strong. We men aren't the brightest aro...

Shimron: An Anthology 31 Dec 2012 | 11:27 pm

I've never actually realised that I've amassed quite a bit of poetry over the years I've been in KL. There are a few scattered on my blog, and a few in my Documents folder, and a few in my old notes. ...

Looking Back 24 Dec 2012 | 09:06 pm

When I ended my days as a student at MCKL, I wrote a blogpost reflecting on the time I had spent.I suppose, now that my time as a student at HELP has come to an end, I should also write one to reminis...

Children of Wrath, Like Literally 8 Dec 2012 | 05:14 pm

Once, there was this pastor visiting this church I used to attend in the early days of my university life. During his sermon, he made this statement: 'Children are sinful too!' At that point, I assume...

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no one can snatch them out of my father's hand

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