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SHU-IZMZ: ALL NEW CONTENT IS NOW UP AT 25 Apr 2011 | 02:59 pm
Hey folks, it was just brought to my attention that some of you who have been following SHU-IZMZ from the earlier days may not have heard that the website has been updated on a new server (not on blog...
ALL HAIL S-A-T-A-N!!! 5 Feb 2011 | 07:32 am
Satan, you ask? Yes, since Satan, the "most misunderstood characters in the Bible or in Christian religion..." as spoke by Glenn Danzig in the first Danzig home video (which if you have not seen it ru...
GRIMM LOVE a.k.a. ROHTENBURG a.k.a. BUTTERFLY: A GRIMM STORY (2006) 4 Feb 2011 | 01:35 pm
Over the next few weeks, SHU-IZMZ will be covering the 8 films that comprise the Fangoria FrightFest banner. These films came out around October of last year I believe, but I am just now getting to th...
Hey guys and gals, it's time for another DVD GIVEAWAY at SHU-IZMZ! January's dvd giveaway was sponsored by Breaking Glass Pictures/Vicious Circle Films and this month's giveaway is brought to you by ...
FREE H.P. LOVECRAFT documentary? 20 Jan 2011 | 07:57 pm
Watch a free documentary on the great H.P. Lovecraft! Just click on this link and enjoy: Watch more free documentaries shuizmz
TRAILER: GARY'S GARDEN (2011) 20 Jan 2011 | 07:48 pm
I checked out this trailer after it was recommended to me. It comes out on Valentine's Day 2011. It looks interesting, to say the least. Maybe I can get a screener of it from the people that made the ...
Legends of Laughter: Abbott & Costello (2010) 20 Jan 2011 | 07:08 pm
Comedy is one particular genre of film that I enjoy, but I am extremely selective as to what I find funny and what I allow to tickle my funny bone. For this film freak (one who loves the gruesome, biz...
Look what SEVERIN FILMS has arriving for us on dvd! 19 Jan 2011 | 05:47 pm
Leave it up to SEVERIN FILMS to dig up some lesser known films most have only seen on a crappy, old VHS copy-if even that! Two classic slasher films and "one of the most depraved films of the '70s", s...
BLEADING LADY TRAILER and COVER ART released! 19 Jan 2011 | 03:35 pm
Ryan Nicholson has yet to disappoint me with any of his films and I have always enjoyed every performance Dan Ellis has given in each of his films. Not only is Ellis a very talented actor, but he i...
Nicholson's BLEADING LADY coming to DVD March 29th! 19 Jan 2011 | 03:22 pm
January 13, 2010 – Philadelphia, PA — Breaking Glass Pictures will release cult horror director Ryan Nicholson’s latest film “Bleading Lady” on DVD March 29. The gory slasher film, which tells of an ...