Blogspot - - Sohan - on software artisanship

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Blog 2.0 30 Jul 2012 | 02:20 pm

After a good 5 years on this blog, I have moved my blog over to a newer blog engine. Please visit Thank you for your interest.

Deploying on TV screens 29 Jul 2012 | 03:18 am

Off late, I am working on a project to render real time business data with interesting visualizations, so people can feel the pulse of the business. For the last couple of months, I have been planning...

Deploying on TV screens 29 Jul 2012 | 12:50 am

Off late, I am working on a project to render real time business data with interesting visualizations, so people can feel the pulse of the business. For the last couple of months, I have been planning...

My Take on Client-Side MVC 31 Mar 2012 | 04:01 am

I just rolled off my last project this Wednesday. It was a great team, worked on some cutting edge technologies, mobile web, HTML5, mongo and some other fun stuff. Now that I got two "beach" days befo...

My Take on Client-Side MVC 30 Mar 2012 | 09:01 pm

I just rolled off my last project this Wednesday. It was a great team, worked on some cutting edge technologies, mobile web, HTML5, mongo and some other fun stuff. Now that I got two "beach" days befo...

Are You Still Parsing HTML Element Ids? 23 Jan 2012 | 06:15 pm

To render a list, often times we use repeated HTML elements with a similar template. For example, the search results in is a list of divs, each containing different data in the same template....

Are You Still Parsing HTML Element Ids? 23 Jan 2012 | 12:15 pm

To render a list, often times we use repeated HTML elements with a similar template. For example, the search results in is a list of divs, each containing different data in the same template....

Object Versioning is an Open Design Problem 18 Jan 2012 | 07:20 pm

This unsolvable maze is a local food from Bangladesh, known as Jilapi Photo credits to udvranto pothik Object Versioning is often required by a business rule, for example, to maintain an audit trail ...

Object Versioning is an Open Design Problem 18 Jan 2012 | 10:20 am

This unsolvable maze is a local food from Bangladesh, known as Jilapi Photo credits to udvranto pothik Object Versioning is often required by a business rule, for example, to maintain an audit trail ...

Care Driven Development: Javascript 21 Nov 2011 | 03:54 pm

There is * Driven Development, where they listed "all possible thing" driven development and dedicated a whole website to it! Well, I am adding one more to the list, "Care Driven Development", with an...

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