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A Money Game, The Value is just an illusion 9 Aug 2011 | 03:26 am
The stock market is just a money game. Hot money flow in, the stock value go up, Hot money flow out, the stock value go down. The value in stock market is just an illusion. Confidence support the sto...
A Money Game, The Value is just an illusion 8 Aug 2011 | 11:26 pm
The stock market is just a money game. Hot money flow in, the stock value go up, Hot money flow out, the stock value go down. The value in stock market is just an illusion. Confidence support the sto...
Timing & Risk! Risk! Risk! 28 Jun 2011 | 06:09 pm
Equity & Property investment is all about Timing! Timing! & Timing! The timing for equity investment now is bad. The chances for winning is so low that investor should just forget about shares now. B...
Timing & Risk! Risk! Risk! 28 Jun 2011 | 02:09 pm
Equity & Property investment is all about Timing! Timing! & Timing! The timing for equity investment now is bad. The chances for winning is so low that investor should just forget about shares now. B...
Market News for Ho Hup Construction & Lion Ind. 24 Jun 2011 | 01:56 am
This week we have 2 market news, one is Ho Hup Construction and the other one is Lion Ind. My friend has told me that his friend ask him to buy Ho Hup because they has won a legal case that they can ...
Market News for Ho Hup Construction & Lion Ind. 23 Jun 2011 | 09:56 pm
This week we have 2 market news, one is Ho Hup Construction and the other one is Lion Ind. My friend has told me that his friend ask him to buy Ho Hup because they has won a legal case that they can ...
人人讀商科 文化必低落 10 Jun 2011 | 01:09 pm
人人讀商科 文化必低落 2011年6月10日 【明報專訊】近來的股市像吃了瀉藥一般,不停下跌,真是黃腫腳不消提了。我也沒有興趣看股票機,所以根本想談股票也無從談起。有一條幾準的線叫我買時富金融(0510),我也沒有落搭買入。因為在今日這種氣氛之下,實在還不適宜買股票。 那天同友人聊天,說起近來要搞的通識教育,我脫口而出:「這實在是一團混帳!只有完全沒有知識的蠢豬才能想得出來!」整個政府似乎沒...
人人讀商科 文化必低落 10 Jun 2011 | 09:09 am
人人讀商科 文化必低落 2011年6月10日 【明報專訊】近來的股市像吃了瀉藥一般,不停下跌,真是黃腫腳不消提了。我也沒有興趣看股票機,所以根本想談股票也無從談起。有一條幾準的線叫我買時富金融(0510),我也沒有落搭買入。因為在今日這種氣氛之下,實在還不適宜買股票。 那天同友人聊天,說起近來要搞的通識教育,我脫口而出:「這實在是一團混帳!只有完全沒有知識的蠢豬才能想得出來!」整個政府似乎沒...
This Rally Has lose it's Strength, Rainy Day ahead. 24 May 2011 | 09:58 pm
The world & regional market all has lose it's STRENGTH. The chances of going down is higher now & reducing the equity position is more appropriate. AdSense
This Rally Has lose it's Strength, Rainy Day ahead. 24 May 2011 | 05:58 pm
The world & regional market all has lose it's STRENGTH. The chances of going down is higher now & reducing the equity position is more appropriate. AdSense