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Still Remembering 26 May 2012 | 12:42 am
It's now been more than seven years since this tragedy, but the memory is still strong. I started this blog to memorialize MM2(SS) Ashley's unwanted sacrifice. It seems important, with Memorial Day ...
Sub damaged in fatal crash rejoins fleet in S.D. 8 Jul 2009 | 12:38 am
By Steve Liewer Union-Tribune Staff Writer 2:00 a.m. July 5, 2009 Navy Petty Officers Robert Hutson (left) and Andrew Tillman are the only two crewmen who have remained with the submarine San Francis...
USS San Francisco 3 years later 8 Jan 2008 | 02:37 am
A post on Rontini's BBS ( from MM2 Ashley's father, copied here to preserve it. The events of January 8th, 2005 will forever remain a major turning point in our lives. As we re...
On Watch 25 Dec 2007 | 06:31 am
Figured I should post something here just to let viewers know this is still an active blog. Don't post much, but I still think about MM2 Ashley from time to time as a fallen brother, particularly when...
CDR Mooney's Retirement Speech 27 Mar 2006 | 03:52 pm
Posted by CDR Kevin Mooney, USN (Ret.) on Sat - Mar 25 - 2006 Good Afternoon, before I get into the guts of my remarks I want to spend a few moments acknowledging the people who made this special day...
Anniversary Remembrance from Commanding Officer 9 Jan 2006 | 01:04 pm
Today marks one year since USS SAN FRANCISCO grounded and gives us reason to pause and remember our beloved shipmate, Cooter. We trusted, admired and loved him. After our accident, we did everything h...
Sub crew's training paid off in disaster 13 May 2005 | 11:19 am
By Katie Worth Pacific Daily News 12 May 05 When the USS San Francisco slammed into a mountain more than 500 feet below the ocean's surface, 29-year-old medic James Akin was in the bathroom. Machinis...
Please Sign Joseph Ashley's Guest Book 12 Apr 2005 | 02:35 am
The guest book is still on line at this link. Two thousand have signed thus far, but there are many more "Brothers", and MM2(SS) Ashley's family still reads them all-- it helps to have the support of ...
Navy Faults navigational procedures In crash Of Sub 10 Apr 2005 | 07:41 pm
San Francisco's Crew Failed To Recognize Warnings, Report Says By ROBERT A. HAMILTON Day Staff Writer, Navy/Defense/Electric Boat Published on 4/9/2005 A Navy report on the submarine that hit a sea m...
More on Awards Ceremony 31 Mar 2005 | 01:28 am
By ROBERT A. HAMILTON Day Staff Writer, Navy/Defense/Electric Boat Published on 3/29/2005 The Navy has presented medals or letters of commendations to 20 crewmen whose actions helped the USS San Fran...