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Why I'm Not Mike Tyson 26 Aug 2013 | 05:50 pm
Yesterday I was in the kitchen and readying a fantastic dip for a family reunion because this is what I do to care for my family and obviously prepare to re unionize with loved ones. I make dips to.....
How I Killed The Birds and The Bees 7 Aug 2013 | 09:03 pm
Whoever coined the term "The Birds and The Bees" should be sucker punched- straight up. Twice. Really fast so they don't know the first, nor the second punch is coming. I guess that's mighty redunda...
Supah Goes All Pinocchio 6 Aug 2013 | 07:26 pm
I hated Pinocchio as a kid. Freaked me OUT. This is why it's so fitting that I'm now a complete and total liar. To my kids at least. Otherwise-- I'm all about the straight and narrow. What do I lie...
Forget about Texas--- Don't Mess With Her Bacon 16 Jul 2013 | 10:31 am
Our Mady Moo is a ripe old age of 4. I told someone she was 5 like 8 hours ago… she corrected me. Not the person. Mady. Whuuuut…said me? I thought you were 5. I can't add. Obviously. And shit da...
i fought the heat and the heat won 16 Jul 2013 | 09:15 am
It is so darn hot here in Pittsburgh and yes I am complaining. Shutty. Uppy. People are so afraid to complain these days. I excel at it. Let's talk complain about the heat. Some more. The kids ar...
What to buy me for my birthday. 3 Jul 2013 | 09:56 am
My birthday is coming up in 26 days. 25 if you're reading this in the morning while I'm sawing logs, 24 if you're a day late, 23 if you don't read my shit until you feel like it…. and so on and so o...
WHAT THE COCOA PUFF?! 27 Jun 2013 | 07:34 pm
Recently I gathered my senses and decided for the 8hundred9th time to try to instill some valuesslashmoralsslashworkethic-s into my work-boycotting children. Here's why. As if I need to give you a re...
5 Car Confessions 5 Jun 2013 | 05:17 pm
If my red Sienna were a vault: this is what I'd admit to occurring on occasion within those 5 red doors. This goes no further than this page or I'll come and video tape you in YOUR car and post it o...
What Keeps Me Awake At Night-- besides DBD. 13 May 2013 | 04:39 pm
Of all the things in the world that give me extreme mental issues, AND THERE ARE A PLETHORA --- Ice FOTHER MUCKING Tsunami did not appear on the list. "This is what happened when the ice started att...
Expecting? I'm not but Macaroni Stork is for you! 26 Jan 2013 | 09:54 pm
Introducing Macaroni Kid's newest national installment Macaroni Stork! If you're expecting or have wee little ones then this publication is for you! A go-to guide for pregnant families and babies un...