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Kota Kinabalu Trip with frens and Little Ones ^_^ - DAY2 15 Jun 2013 | 09:36 am
Hari ke 2 kat KK, kitorang gi Kinabalu Park & Hotspring.. Perjalanan ke Kinabalu Park amek masa around 2 jam naik van.. Kat Kinabalu Park ni sejuk la jugak macam kat Cameron Highland.. Tapi time kitor...
Kota Kinabalu Trip with frens and Little Ones ^_^ - DAY1 12 Jun 2013 | 06:54 am
Date: 17th Jan 2013 - 20th Jan 2013 Entry ni patotnyer dah lamaaaa dah post tapi sebab malas, sekarang baru nak post... Last year kitorang dapat beli tiket murah airasia.. Around RM450 jer utk 2 adu...
khaireen sofea 1st birthday 1 Jan 2013 | 07:20 pm
i should have post this entry 5 months back in july, but i couldnt find her birthday photos and i was so damn bz with work, ramadhan, aidilfitri, pindah rumah, aidiladha etc etc so here it goes.. th...
krabi holiday with lil sofea 19 Sep 2012 | 09:55 am
few months ago we got the chance to bring sofea on her 1st flight. our destination is krabi, thailand. sofea was 10months+ at that time, so excited to explore her surrounding at that time bcoz she jus...
little sofea is 10months old! 5 Jun 2012 | 09:16 am
she is not so little anymore! 1. she weighs at 8.0 kgs. takdela berat sgt kan tapi menggigil jugak kalau angkat lama2 >< 2. still fully breastfeed, alhamdulillah.. rezeki Allah s.w.t 3. dah ade 2 g...
Sofea's new ride ;) 29 Mar 2012 | 12:41 pm
Sold our Hauck Turbo Plus Stroller.. reason: susah nak fold, berat sikit (7kg) & yg plg penting, dah boring.. And replace with this chic ride: Peg Perego Pliko Mini Best giler ok.. ringan jer 5.7kg...
Meet my new baby... 5 Mar 2012 | 06:47 am
...Cutie Baby Closet! a few weeks ago, two of my close frens(Reen & Ina)& I decided to start our very own part time online shop (in facebook) selling baby & kids related products eg clothes, toys, sh...
whats in my bag? 2 Mar 2012 | 02:55 pm
1. ikea & my own pencil 2. wallet 3. weaning spoon sofea 4. jumper, socks, headband & beanie hat sofea 5. diapers 6. towel kecik 7. wet tissue 8. charger fon 9. extra pin tudung 10. makeup po...
7 months old yawwww 22 Feb 2012 | 05:11 am
sofea turns 7 months old yesterday. she is a big girl oredi. mommy is sad, but happy. sad bcoz mommy missed baby sofea soooo much, but happy bcoz mommy got to see her grow healthily and happily alhamd...
bawak 6months old sofea pegi USS ;) 18 Feb 2012 | 07:58 pm
hi all.. sbenarnyer tak plan pon nak pegi sini.. plan asalnyer ialah amek cuti, tapi tatau nak pegi mane.. pastu titibe hazim kate, oren ajak pegi USS.. wahhh dengan tak pikir pasal bajet, terus ON je...