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Technical Bliss is now 18 Jul 2007 | 03:38 am
I have decided to move my blog Technica Bliss to a new domain You have loved Technical Bliss and provided a lot of support to it. I hope this blog will live upto the expectations of my ...
Lonely Couples. Wordpress Theme with Web 2 efftect 9 May 2007 | 09:37 pm
Lonely Couples is a golden Brown theme for Wordpress with web 2.0 effects. It has following features. Sidebar Widget Compatible 2 Column Theme Great color combination and Web 2.o effect in buttons ...
Add Twitter to MyBlogLog Profile 6 May 2007 | 03:34 am
Now you can add Twitter to your MyBlogLog profile. To add twitter just log into you MyBlogLog account and click the link add twitter near your profile pic. Thanks MyBlogLog for that nice utility. R...
Digg Dvd Hex code controversy continues 3 May 2007 | 09:16 pm
Now everyone knows the controversy about the hex key 09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0 If you still don't know about it, then read it here. The information which They tried to suppress ...
Change your MyBlogLog Widget Style 3 May 2007 | 10:14 am
You can change the looks of MyBlogLog Recent Readers Widget by editing the CSS of your blog. AU Interactive blog has given the code to modify the blog CSS and give your MyBlogLog widget a dashing look...
Minimize Mozilla Firefox to system tray 21 Apr 2007 | 02:52 pm
Here is a small utility which will allow you to minimize Mozilla browser to your windows system tray. It also provides a right click menu for the tray icon. You can also choose from three options: 1)...
How to Use Free Proxy with Firefox 18 Apr 2007 | 09:45 am
Here is a complete Graphical tutorial for using Free Proxy with Firefox. By using a Proxy, you can browse internet anonymously. Also a proxy can be used for browsing blocked sites like Orkut and MySpa...
Type in Hindi in Google Blogger Blogs 13 Apr 2007 | 01:39 pm
Now you can type and publish your blogpost in Hindi in your blogger blog. Google added the feature of English to Hindi translation in Blogger. For example you can type 'Mera Bharat Mahaan' in Hindi. (...
Create Icons for email id 13 Apr 2007 | 07:43 am
E-Mail Icon Generator is a small nice utility which creates a image icon of your email id. You can use this icon for providing your email address in your webpage or blog. This will certainly help you ...
Subvert and Profit. Another attempt to game digg 4 Apr 2007 | 02:56 pm
A new site has evolved from nowhere* to help people in getting there story to front page of digg. And they are selling there help. Subvert and Profit who refer themselves as new black market, charge ...