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Noble Gas 8 Feb 2011 | 10:12 pm
Was it a noble gas? Noble gases is a diversified elements 8A, called the noble gases on the analogy with the "noble metals", such as gold, which is associated with wealth and nobility, and has a low ...
Physique I Propriétés physiques et chimiques I Politique et géopolitique I La production d'eau potable 10 Jun 2009 | 10:56 pm
Physique Propriétés physiques et chimiques A 4°C, là où la densité de l'eau est maximale, la densité de l'eau diminue avec l'augmentation de température, comme pour les autres substance qui se dilat...
Eau I Étymologie et usage du mot I L'eau sur Terre et dans l'Univers I Les formes de l'eau sur Terre 10 Jun 2009 | 10:55 pm
Eau L’eau est un composé chimique ubiquitaire sur la Terre, essentiel pour tous les organismes vivants connus. Le corps humain est ainsi composé à 65 % d’eau (pour l'adulte, et 75 % chez les nourriss...
Thermodynamic systems I Conjugate variables I Thermodynamic instruments I Thermodynamic processes 6 Jun 2009 | 09:21 pm
An important concept in thermodynamics is the “system”. Everything in the universe except the system is known as surroundings. A system is the region of the universe under study. A system is separated...
The laws of thermodynamics I Thermodynamic potentials I Classical thermodynamics Statistical thermodynamics I Chemical thermodynamics 6 Jun 2009 | 09:18 pm
In thermodynamics, there are four laws that do not depend on the details of the systems under study or how they interact. Hence these laws are very generally valid, can be applied to systems about whi...
Thermodynamics I Starting point and relevance I History 6 Jun 2009 | 09:17 pm
In physics, thermodynamics (from the Greek θερμ- Typical thermodynamic system, showing input from a heat source (boiler) on the left and output to a heat sink (condenser) on the right. Work is extrac...
The electromagnetic force I Classical electrodynamics I The photoelectric effect I Units I Electromagnetic phenomena 6 Jun 2009 | 09:14 pm
The force that the electromagnetic field exerts on electrically charged particles, called the electromagnetic force, is one of the fundamental forces. The other fundamental forces are strong nuclear f...
Electromagnetism I History 6 Jun 2009 | 09:12 pm
Electromagnetism Electricity · Magnetism This box: view • talk • edit Electromagnetism is the physics of the electromagnetic field, a field which exerts a force on particles with the property of el...
Mathematical formulation I Interactions with other scientific theories 6 Jun 2009 | 09:08 pm
Mathematical formulation In the mathematically rigorous formulation of quantum mechanics, developed by Paul Dirac[27] and John von Neumann[28], the possible states of a quantum mechanical system are ...
Example I Relativity and quantum mechanics I Attempts at a unified theory I Applications I Philosophical consequences 6 Jun 2009 | 09:08 pm
The particle in a 1-dimensional potential energy box is the most simple example where restraints lead to the quantization of energy levels. The box is defined as zero potential energy inside a certain...