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untold stories 27 May 2012 | 06:26 am
hi people . how are you ? we met again . hmm this is my first post for may 2012 . my last post was about three months ago . sorry dearies , degree just hectic and i dont even have time to keep this bl...
sheera shafika marfiera eerayu 7 Feb 2012 | 08:21 pm
hello . how are you ? its just a short entry . nak story about me beloved friends from sabah and sarawak . sheera shafika . sabahan . i miss her so much . sorry tak dapat nak spend time lama ngn kau ...
azura movie date 4 Feb 2012 | 06:51 am
hari ni saya pergi berdating dengan sayang saya . :) movie date berdua . cerita AZURA . okay to be frank , siyesly saya pergi tgk cerita tu sbb ada shahz jazle . kalau dia takde , mmg takkan pergi tgk...
good times with good people 26 Jan 2012 | 10:21 pm
date : 25 January 2012 time : 12 pm location : pavilion kuala lumpur . meet nadia ramli :) nadia najwa me meet najwa and nadia . tak banyak yang we all buat . ni sbb dah lama x jumpe . jumpe ...
r i n d u 26 Jan 2012 | 10:13 pm
hello readers . imissyouguys and imissmyblog too . hmm tersnagat malas nak update blog sekarang . masa cuti lebih banyak tidur . haihh bbm , fb and twitter . blog ? di anak tirikan haha . okay okay ...
last day last class for this semester 23 Dec 2011 | 10:34 pm
yeayy hohohoho its the end of the semester . thanks you classmates for the one semester with all of you thanks for the good things . strive for the final okay :) goodluck people . nabihah rina vee ...
its december . 17 Dec 2011 | 03:12 am
hye people . i know my last post was about the past two months . last update was on october 8 . yeah ive been busy . really busy . degree just different . i felt like giving up sumtimes . but thinki...
sebulan di shah alam sebagai pelajar degree 9 Oct 2011 | 12:38 am
dah sebulan rupanya aku jadi student degree haishhh . still tak explore uitm ni . sumpah besar . okay tak suka MENARA SAAS . kalau lift rosak , aku kena naik tangga sampai tingkat 13 . gilaa tak g...
hye we meet again 18 Sep 2011 | 03:40 am
hi hi people . ade yg rindu i tak ? haha okay gedik poyoo k lupakan je haha sorry sebab dah lama tak update blog ni . deym lazy mannn . deym busy . uitm shah alam now . kill me for the stairs . -.- b...
hello blog ! 9 Sep 2011 | 03:02 am
hyehye miss me ? haha perasan je kau teha . kau ingat kau retis ke haha sory lah agak jarang update blog skang . busyyy degree is around the corner . i hope semua pun okay . aku malas sebenrnya . tp...