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Our Last Hoorah of Summer- A Backyard Beach Play Date! 21 Aug 2013 | 08:07 pm
Earlier this month, I realized that the beach trip we were hoping to do wasn't going to be able to happen. We hadn't gone to the pool as much as I had planned... and summer was coming to an end!! S...
VLOG: Mandy & My Favorite Beauty Items 19 Aug 2013 | 03:00 pm
One of my frequently asked questions is... "What type of Mascara do you use??" (maybelline full n' soft mascara) I've shared it in my What's in my Makeup Bag Post... But I thought it would be fun....
Sienna turns 3 + Her Grass & Worm "CAKE"...(if you can call it that.) 17 Aug 2013 | 08:19 pm
Sienna had a birthday thursday! and Sophie's is coming up on the 30th- turning 5! I think I'm the most emotional with these birthdays more than the others. They feel so big... I feel like I just ha...
VLOG:Being Married to a Blogger- The Husbands tell All! 14 Aug 2013 | 08:47 am
If you've ever wondered what my husband's personality is like... this video he made with Jeff (husband of Mandy from gives you a pretty good idea. He is sarcastic. and silly. a...
My Back to School Display at IKEA + New Back to School Printables! (1 FREE ACTIVITY DOWNLOAD) 13 Aug 2013 | 08:10 am
I have done a few things with our IKEA (LOVE them.) and they recently asked me to be a part of the event for their IKEA FAMILY Members to celebrate the launch of their new Catalog! The new catalog ...
My New Venture! Happy Mommy - Site is LIVE! 9 Aug 2013 | 08:01 pm
This project has been on my heart And I'm so excited that it is actually happening!! I really feel this connection with all of my readers. I get e-mails from many of you, on topics like mommy advic...
My Motherhood- Exhausted. In Love. and Feeling Creative! 8 Aug 2013 | 10:23 pm
I'm trying to soak up all this baby sweetness right now. I LOVE micah's age. (almost 9 months?? <--3rd baby) It's such a fun time where his personality is coming out..he is crawling and wanting to ...
Road Trip to the Rose House! - VLOG: Q.&A. FUN! 5 Aug 2013 | 08:11 pm
This Year has been one of such blessings. One of which is my new friendship with Mandy and how our families have connected! Mandy blogs over at House of Rose She originally came across my ...
My First Days at College:Room Decor + College Shopping Tool: Amazing on a Budget 1 Aug 2013 | 08:11 pm
I was so lucky with my college roommate... we hit it off right away. (She ended up being in my wedding!) I remember the first night... my roommate and I went to Walmart down the street to do a littl...
VTech Connect to Cell Phone System: They gave me my 'Mommy Space' back! 29 Jul 2013 | 03:05 am
Do your kids like to ask you for things when you are on the phone? MINE DO. Sometimes I feel like my house is going to burst from the energy in it! It's not always crying..even the happy noises are ...