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Embossed Flower Tutorial using Gelatos® from Faber-Castell® 26 Aug 2013 | 10:01 am
Hi everyone, how was your weekend??? Wonderful I hope! Today I want to share a tutorial with you on some super fun and easy flowers you can make. There are lots of ways to color these, but the ea.....
Camping at Turner Falls - ColourQ #203 21 Aug 2013 | 04:07 am
Good afternoon blogging friends! How is your week going so far?? I am getting ready to go to retreat again this weekend so it is almost time to start packing. We have a new palette up today over ....
Girl Scouts Year 5 - Frosted Designs Chipboard Challenge 16 Aug 2013 | 08:48 pm
Good morning blogging friends! Wow- we are having the best weather here in Dallas it has been raining and highs only in the 80's- in AUGUST! How is your summer shaping up?? Are the kids back in sc...
Girl Scout Service Project - GDT with Berry Bleu 14 Aug 2013 | 10:01 am
Hi everyone! I know I have been absent for a while. My DD1 had some things going on that she needed me for and my girls take priority over scrapping and blogging. I think everything is back to no.....
Blog Candy Winner!! 3 Aug 2013 | 06:32 pm
Hi Everyone! Sorry I am behind in posting this! Thanks so much to everyone who played along in the Frosted Designs Blog Hop! We had some great entries and there was a lot of wonderful work! Withou...
A Celebration of Texas - Bo Bunny paper Love! 3 Aug 2013 | 06:00 pm
Hi everyone, are you cool where you are? If you are please leave me a comment and tell me about it- it is soooooooo hot here!!! The upside to all this heat is I am getting to stay inside a lot :o) ...
Exploring with Girl Scouts - Frosted Designs 2 Aug 2013 | 10:39 pm
Hi Everyone! Yippeee - it's Friday again!! Today there is a new Frosted Designs Challenge and we are all about EMBOSSING this time around! Now, how your choose to emboss is up to you, just use som.....
Girl Scout Days 30 Jul 2013 | 06:05 am
Howdy blogging friends!! How is everyone doing??? I can't believe it is almost the end of July - where has the summer gone????? I have blog candy up for grabs! Be sure to check it out and enter-....
Blessings - Frosted Designs Blog Hop 26 Jul 2013 | 09:51 pm
Welcome to the Frosted Designs Quote Blog Hop - the last of our three hops! We are so glad you could join us!!! You should have hopped here from Lydia's Blog if not, check the bottom of the post fo...
Dorm Room Decor with Glue Dots® 24 Jul 2013 | 06:00 pm
Hi Everyone! How is your week going so far!! Today I want to share with you a fun and (surprisingly) quick project that I made for young lady's dorm room. This could be adapted to suit any decor, b...