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Baked Red Mashed Potatoes 13 Aug 2013 | 08:34 pm
Sunday night I was baking sweet potatoes for dinner but really had a hankering for mashed potatoes. I didn't feel like peeling the little red taters and boiling them so off to the Internet I went. N...
This is only a test... 12 Aug 2013 | 02:55 am
The youngest daughter is an excellent cook and one of her specialties is Roast Lamb...mmmmm. In celebration of my up coming birthday she brought me some of the left overs from last night (not sure ho...
Still Bargain Shopping! 19 Jul 2013 | 03:32 am
So you know I am always trying to find a way to squeeze a's almost a game to me now "how much can I save". I have a new addiction though and it is markdown meat. Now I know you are think...
Low-Country Boil 2 2 Jul 2013 | 09:29 pm
I don't know the history of the boil but I suspect it has to do with the availability of inexpensive ingredients and the need to feed large groups of people. Here in the southeast US there are many w...
A Low-Country Boil 2 Jul 2013 | 09:05 pm
The surprises arrive Michael celebrated his 60th birthday back in May and this weekend we had a bash for him. He knew about the party what he was not aware of was that his sisters and family were c....
Corn Salad with Frito's 12 Jun 2013 | 01:46 am
This afternoon I have hijacked the laptop for a little while, this is a much easier way of putting the blog together!! Today has been a cook-a-rama! We not only had The Hens Group but also the Elks...
Corn Salad with Frito's 12 Jun 2013 | 01:46 am
This afternoon I have hijacked the laptop for a little while, this is a much easier way of putting the blog together!! Today has been a cook-a-rama! We not only had The Hens Group but also the Elks...
My Kindle and I 11 Jun 2013 | 01:20 am
So I am going to attempt to continue blogging using my Kindle. I can tell you after just this much writing I am feeling out of steam. My computer is in our home office which has been the daughters r...
My Kindle and I 11 Jun 2013 | 01:20 am
So I am going to attempt to continue blogging using my Kindle. I can tell you after just this much writing I am feeling out of steam. My computer is in our home office which has been the daughters r...
Life 25 Apr 2013 | 10:50 pm
I was reading Juju's blog today and realized that just like her my life has been hijacked. Hijacked by working Hijacked by living Hijacked by our daughter living with us Hijacked by a bill collec...